See beyond the obvious

Some people talk incessantly about what the physical senses define as reality. For them, the obvious is obvious. Life is unfolding and the script is playing out beyond them.
Another perspective holds that people are not powerless to alter the unfolding script of life. To them, seeing beyond the obvious is to recognize they are constanly changing and evolving, relating to life events differently. they do not have to know but feel their way along. They figure what they do not know, what is not yet obvious or clear, is perfect.
Part of you is oblivious to the obvious. This offers additional possibilities and perspectives. What do you feel? What would prompt you to shift beyond what the mind tells you is obvious? Listen to soul-level vibration. As you are in the process of healing, expanding and growing or perceptions of life change, everything you do serves you to the degree you allow. Identify all your feelings. Notice how they catapult you intoa wider connection with life.