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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in Zeitgesit (1)


What if everything is self-sustainable?

Most people have no idea what is technically-feasible and to what degree they permit themselves to be controlled by media and existing systems. What if the idea of a free market actually prevents equality, perpetuates conflict, competition and the 'us and them' mentality? What if your choices shape not only your experience now but also the collective destiny of humanity? What if you dissolve all teaching in favor of a self-sustaining perspective?

Consider ideas in this interview echo that money and other tools you are given exist to teach you that survival is based on self-interest, on proving superiority and fighting others to establish market share or place in a hierarchy in comparison to others.  What if much of what you currently buy could be produced to last forever or at least a very long time? What if jobs as they are now, grow obsolete? What if the military ceased to exist, people refused to join? Create the vision for a very different world and imagine what is required to evolve into it. What are you?

What if individual and collective consciousness is changing? How do you sense next stages of existence?