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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Dream Analysis of the Week- Terraced garden


The dream took place on a terraced farm cut into seven levels alongside mountains.  A man stood next to an old fashioned (heritage) Australian Queenslander house. Red dusty sand was blowing around him. He, the dry land and house seemed somehow out-of-place in the surrounding terraced farm. He looked up, remarked he could not see beyond clouds.

At the next step down was the lady who was tending to a lush area of green plants at mid-calf level.  Although the man looked for someone with a hand above his brow to shade the sun, he did not see the woman. She reached into her pocket, took out a credit card and asked her daughter from the next level down to step up, go to local shop to get some seeds.  The daughter smiled, said "I don't need the card." Lady shrugged, "okay" and accidentally dropped card in the water where is could not be found.

Stepping back, the lady looked up, saw 3 levels of floating gardens were growing different crops above the clouds. The rice was lush and green. Alternating crops included flowers in vibrant colours and vegetables growing in swirls above and below levitating soil.


Mountains represent challenges, goals, milestones and things to work toward.  Terrace farming prevents soil erosion and contributes to soil conservation and keeps crops well-watered. Nowadays, the method allows growing versatile crops, and its management is more comfortable with online agricultural software. Notice the man is unable to communicate with the woman. This points to possible issues being seen and heard as you are.  Stepping away from what you outgrow may help you nourish your spirit and grow in new ways.seeing yourself working on a unknown farm represents new beginnings on the horizon and possibilities going forward. 

On another level, the HUman is like a 7-story house.  Each level is represented by the chakras which are cosmic doorways to different states and stages of consciousness. Notice humans generally live and die on only one floor.  The conscious mind is the floor on which we live. Directly below is the underground basement or unconscious.  Below that is the third floor or collective unconscious.  Still lower, the fourth floor, is the cosmic unconscious.  Above the floor on which we live is the super-conscious mind.  Above that is the floor of the collective conscious. Above that, is the cosmic consciousness.  From where we are then, there exist three floors above and also below.  If we only focus on where we are, we miss the bigger picture. 

Self-realisation is about becoming familliar with the entire arragement of 7 levels and taking it further to experience each one directly. Its not about staying up above the clouds in the higher levels or getting bogged down at the lower levels. Nothing can remain unfamilliar or unknown. No stone can be left unturned in this process.  Each level has its own initiations. The reason is that one cannot be one's own master so long as one is a slave to (fearful of) the unknown. Reflect on the number 7 and its significance in your life- i.e. colours of the rainbow, # dwarves & traits in "Snow White", days of the week, energy fields, ect.  Awakening is about growing more spiritually-inclined, more apt to go inward, see from different points of view. Its natural to explore more levels of one's inner house, to shed light on shadows and expand into more of true nature.

The dream also invites the dreamer to review his own perception of current needs, pull out or let go of what is obsolete or outgrown or overgrown.  This is a message about listening to spiritual (inner) guidance rather than material conditioning. Different kinds of abundance present.  Meditate on abundance, wealth, what you sow.

We offer Dream Consultations that explore the significance of single and multiple dreams. We also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us for details.


Attein stillness

(Image: Soul portrait by Lon Art)
Notice our organizing principle was originally caring fpr the Soul. Collective awakening is remembering the nature of the journey. To change a reality not in resonance with awake consciousness, we must first grasp how this reality came to be. There was a point in the continuum where the dominant energy of the planet was guided by the the ultimate soul purpose which is to reach the highest level of consciousness (liberation, unity with the divine, bliss-love). In every era, the dominant energy determines the moral compass of consciousness and how energy plays out.
So, as hegemonic reality took over (religion) the quest for divine love within became externalized, and aristrocracy divided this into romantic love. Then things shifted and love lost importance. Capitalist forms of social order took over. Communism, socialism other politics built on conquests, colonialism, materialism, and scientism. Capitalists became globalists in an attempt to keep control. The focus has been on dumbing down, destruction of love and traditional order to replace it with centralized order. We moved from nobility to corruption ruling the world. Ego taking control defined what it wanted to get out of life and the collective followed.
As we come to come to tune into specific frequencies in the spectrum of consciousness, truths of soul consciousness arise again. As we attain and sustain the stillness, it opens portals beyond ego to the inconceivable reality of Pure Spirit. It is felt as vibration, like sacred geometry that bypasses the subconscious mind. 



Surrender to the Mystery

Notice much like a caterpillar cannot turn itself into a butterfly, the ego cannot turn itself into a Soul. HUmans hold potential for a level of collective consciousness that is more expansive than where we are. Yet, only as we surrender to what is beyond ego, only as we trust that which ego cannot see, think or comprehend, and let go of the desire to have to know, does the miracle of alchemy occur. The elixir of life is within and each of us is called to experience it fully for ourselves. Consider a caterpillar eats its way to oblivion, innocently encloses itself in a cocoon, not knowing what is going to happen. Then, a mysterious metamorphosis takes place to transform it. The butterfly emerges effortlessly from the liquid like a phoenix that surrenders to death and emerges from the ashes. What happens to the caterpillar inside the chyrsalis and the phoenix within the ashes, is not for the physical eyes to see. This transmutation is timed precisely to coincide with the ultimate expansion of consciousness. So, a new mode of magical thinking or being is emerging without conditioned limitations. At the perfect moment, it dawns one cannot take an external bridge to infinity when one is itself the bridge.


Unleash a quantum leap

Notice that as we grow conscious of our inner power, energy shifts feel like a vibrational voyage up a cosmic musical scale. It dawns that we hold wisdom to travel through densities and dimensions as smoothly as water changes state. Be like water. Tune into intuition. What may appear on one level as shifts in priorities, conditions or things may also be viewed as shifting to transcend disharmonious frequencies. Everything has a frequency. As more systems activate and senses come online, one tunes into a wider range of sound. Every energetic shift propels us into another frequency, translated though our body vehicle as a new reality, until we shift our energy again. Only this moment exists. As enough of us grow conscious and untether our mind, we accelerate a collective quantum leap into the as of yet unknown. Earth is a timeship and we are awakening to our intercinnectedness with her, the cosmos and all things.


Recall the Christ Consciousness Grid

Notice Christ Consciousness (or Oneness Consciousness) is a geometry being that has been present around the Earth since the origin of Humanity. It is the 5th level of consciousness that human DNA can achieve. This is one level above the current widespread one of 46+2 DNA chromosomes. The 5th level form is a stellar dodecahedron (sacred geometry). The biblical 'Fall from Grace' is a metaphor that refers to descent from higher vibrational (5th level) functioning to lower functionning. It occurred after the collapse of Atlantis 13,000 years ago. Around 1989, the Stellated Dodecahron (Spirit/Prana) re-emerged. Yet, it’s energies also combine both the Dodecahedron and Icosahedron. Its a powerful tool of Unconditional Love Frequency. The Stellated Dodecahedron, or the Christ Grid, holds the template of all the preceding templates expressed as geometric forms. It is an expression and model of integrated completion and coherent unity of all the foundational templates. The Christ Grid stimulates us to evolve into conscious awareness with our open heart and with high levels of impeccability and integrity. The Christ Grid also helps us integrate and harmonize a group unity. This Grid is a single, collective consciousness. The grid of unity or Christ consciousness is a combination of two Platonic solid forms that form a star dodecahedron – a dodecahedron (12 pentagonal faces) and an icosahedron (20 triangles). These forms are two of the five forms known as Plato’s solids or Perfect Bodies. Platonic solids are the only existing shapes whose vertices perfectly match the inner surface of the sphere. Many cultures viewed these forms as sacred. The structure of Christ consciousness creates a network of third-stage consciousness of the human race, which is the electromagnetic field that surrounds planet Earth and unites human consciousness. A network of consciousness of unity exists around the planet about 100 km (60 miles) from the earth’s surface into the atmosphere. This network also exists around every living thing. There are millions of these nets and from space they look like a ray of light around the earth. Every single species of every living thing, even if it is a beetle, has or must “have” a network of energy that surrounds the Earth in order to exist. This Grid is the Akashic library of this planet. It allows access to any information about everything that ever took place on Earth. As consciousness expands, the true story of Earth is accessible within along with vibrational Truths of Source that cannot be tampered with. The true Love vibration is ever present.