Balance the opposites

It's often acknowledged that success begins as a state of mind. However, having some insight into the specifics enables people to become better equipped to create the lives they choose. People will read about drawbacks and experience their own self-defeating tendencies, so what kinds of strategies would assist a person to re-orient and align with a meaningful life direction? Learning to balance opposites is a good rule of thumb. You could apply this to your feelings and attitude, as well as to visions around you.
1) Where someone criticizes your plan, imagine how much better off you'll be.
2) When someone refuses to forgive you, choose yourself not to hold a grudge.
3) If people around you feel discouraged, decide you'll be a source of hope.
4) In cases where people complain about no sun, sing and dance in the rain.
5) When people dwell on sadness or loss, celebrate yourself what is/ has been.
6) Where people cling and seem to desire consoling, offer your own reassurance.
7) If people appear lost in ignorance, seek on your own to find ways to understand.
8) When people crave some kind of compassion, provide unconditional love.
9) If people only seem to know how to revieve, teach them how to give.
10) Where people are focused on fear and death, show them joy defines life.
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