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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Intense passion isn't a pipedream

In the hearts and minds of many people, love in the form of intense passion may come and go.  This may also be a dream of yours that you have yet to experience.  A perceived lack of control and understanding of your own emotions can seem disconcerting. Where would you begin to sift through unresolved feelings? You may even ask yourself, why shouldn't positive feelings you do experience last longer? A useful thing to do is to sit back and consider these points:

1) Reflect on when and why powerful feelings evolved. If you have known the power of intense passion before, it likely faded. Did you or anyone else take any action to develop them? Think back to original encounters with the individual who sparked your deep interest. Where did this happen? What were the circumstances? How long did it take? Were you on the rebound? 

2) Examine your view of control. if you have or haven't experienced power of intense passion, it's possible you've decided this this isn't desirable or, you fear letting go of emotional control. It could be helpful to explore your past experiences and grasp of the benefits of trust and honesty.  if you have been betrayed, you may be reluctant to open up. If you imagine the worst, that could hold you back.  If you think its safer to feel like your always in control, you're missing something.

3) Address your view of vulnerability.  Your track record in relationships and how you reacted to the outcomes reflects your willingness to let down your defenses. have you felt free to just be who you really are? Enduring passion grows from within as partners connect on a soul level. If one or both partners is unwilling to be real, then long-term and even deep connections is unlikely.

 4) Adapt to changing lifestyles. If you experienced intense passion early in your relationship or in past relationships, but not in your current one, pinpoint the influence of your own lifestyle.  Romance requires effort. If you live a fast-paced life, work too hard or simply fall into bed exhausted, you don't nurture the energy level or enthusiasm a relationship requires to grow.  Your life priorities may need an overhaul. If romance is only given intermittent attention, then forget it.

5)  Decide to re-connect. It's never too late to re-evaluate the kind of passion you desire to create in your relationship. Regardless of what you have or haven't done, from this point forward, you're in control of how positive experiences to evolve. Recognize that your partner will benefit as much as you with regular communication about desires and expectations. As you both learn what the other imagines or hopes for, it becomes far easier to make it happen. 

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