Nothing & everything to prove

You likely know people who feel they have something to prove to themselves. Think of the guy who feels he must prove he can eat one too many hamburgers or drink one too many beers. Think of the girl who feels she must go on one more diet or stretch her budget with just one more credit card. Think of the bodybuilder who thinks he needs steroids to grow even more muscle mass even though he's bigger than everyone he knows already. These people stretch questionable limits.
Maybe something inside yourself isn't satisfied with what you've done so far either. You simply feel you wish to prove you can extend your vision, your physical strength, you agility, dexterity or possibility. Ask yourself for whom you are doing this and what would it require to establish the line of enough? If you're as yet unable to define the limits of self-acceptance or health and well-being, then it's past time.
How much of your own value and self-worth is wrapped up in what people think of you? Why might that be? Something may have caused you to think you need to live down to someone's expectations when these don't even come close to what Higher Forces intended. Part of your may believe you're aspiring to live up to your role model's expectations of you. Yet, have you taken time to get-to-know yourself well enough to establish who you really are outside other people's views?
The next time you feel compelled to ask what kind of value you have and for whom, why not remind yourself you have intrinsic value? This was established from the moment of conception and grew in life from there, and continued since the day you were born. Each of us has gifts, inner talents and potential that we haven't yet even begin to discover, let-a-lone tap into. When are you going to start? You're in a great position to assist other people to recognize their own truth. Raise their self-awareness that they can also learn from having nothing and everything to prove.
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