Stop getting more of the same

So, you've taken the plunge. You've decided to start a small business. Congratulations! Whether you did it because you desire to be your own boss, to schedule your own hours, to provide a service where you intuit a need, or for other reasons, you'll be more in control of your work life than ever. A new source of energy and inspiration is very exciting! Wow!
Now, we all have the power to be the primary driver behind what we do, yet, not everyone takes advantage of this position to better themselves. Why not you? If you truly wish to stop getting more of the same reactions about work from yourself or other people who disagree with your attitude or choices, then you'd benefit from a willingness to clarify where you are and why.
1) Commit yourself to your new venture. Even where you are starting a business beside a regular job, you will not succeed with a lack of effort. Deciding you will make it happen means you will consistently devote a certain amount of time every day to developing this venture, through networking, phone calls, bookkeeping, website building, marketing or whatever. When the option becomes financially viable, you may leave the other job and focus on business development.
2) Ask those questions you have been afraid to ask. It is forseeable that you'll encounter situations or information you do not completely understand. This is a sign its time to consult a professional. Remind yourself lawyers, accountants and outsourcing other experts could be in your interest.
3) Encourage yourself. Motivational books, business seminars and conventions are ways you can develop yourself at the same time as share valuable lessons learned. You will find that remaining open to new kinds of information will not only promote your personal growth, but will also nuture your continuing interest and enthusiasm. Remind yourself being happy and knowledgeable will build client leads and trust.
4) Prepare for uncharted territory. Finding the courage to step out of your comfort zone is admirable, and it often brings its share of obstacles which require problem-solving. That you feel ready to face uncertainty is a big step to devising the strategies you will need to move ahead. Prepare yourself mentally for challenges, and they will be less likely to scare you.
5) Decide to seek and change yourself. Business success doesn't necessarily evolve if you begin with a plan to change the world. However, if you accept you're on a new road of self-discovery, and you take steps to learn, you'll find your efforts will make a positive difference. Understand every choice and action enables you to get-to know yourself better. Everything you think, say and do reveals a bit more about yourself. The better you know your strengths and weaknesses, the more your business can benefit.
“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” - Meister Eckhart
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