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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Savor whatever happens

Your mind always fluctuates among states.  You react to what happens to you, to your aspirations and to how people behave.  The conditions of balance and harmony are highly-desirable yet, only happen as you learn to clear your mind.  You may not always attain the mental state you hope for, when you desire to achieve it, but you can learn to be content with the state you have now.  Do you know how to relax and accept whatever happens? Have you learned to savor each moment?

You may be conditioned to think goals have to be what you don't yet experience.  Your mind can trick you into states of dissatisfaction.  How can that bring a calm mind?  Learn to convert your mind to grasp accepting states, rather than focus on one always hanging in limbo, craving things.

Consider the impulse voice in you that provokes you to desire to be entertained.  You may even feel desperate for diversions.  Your goal may be to find things to do because sheer boredom or idleness scare you.  Is your mind restless? scattered? endlessly running from things you don't wish to face? What do your conscious goals really tell you? You can imagine another state that would be better for you.

Although you can't force goal-setting itself and you may not be prepared or able to change certain things about your life right now, you're free to discern the way things are. If you struggle to shift a negative thought or emotion, you can always be with it, study it and experience it fully. To savor what happens is an opportunity to learn how you think where you are as of this moment.  Every experience has benefits.  You have the power to find them, experience them, learn more and grow.   

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