Why does the world seem smaller?

As we approach 2012, many theories exist about why the world appears to be getting smaller. Consider some of these reasons people offer to explain their perception of ongoing changes. What do you feel is happening? What additional perspective would you offer?
1) The Internet is expanding.
2) People are awakening & aligning to core energy.
3) More people travel in mind, body and spirit.
4) The sun is heating up and eroding the Earth.
5) Communications & satellite tech bridge time & space
6) The sense of universal oneness is growing.
7) Ego-based separateness is dissolving.
8) More people sense energy lines & the magnetic grid.
9) Water is rising and people are moving to higher ground.
10) Mind-based thinking is giving way to heart-centred living.
11) Consciousness is depening understanding of what we are.
12) Human beings are reverting back to interconnected beings.
13) Populations growth is skyrocketing.
14) The mind is reducing all perception to love or fear.

Reader Comments (6)
Therefore, the mind and the heart can be projected to any point in the universe or to other dimensions more easily. Since our minds are out there or deep within, the earth doesn't seem so big anymore. We no longer have to travel physically to feel the energy from another region of physical space.
Look at television. There is a new show called V that is starting in November. It is about the arrival and official exposure of aliens on planet earth. This expands the mind and makes earth seem small. Then there is stargate universe. In this show the mind is traveling outside the galaxy. The imagination is growing making the earth seem like a grain of sand. However, the stargates show that we are still connected to all regions.
When we align to core energy, we feel connected to everything around us. Therefore, we can feel free to utilize those connections for soul or spirit travel.
Some say the earth is vibrating higher. So the old heavier earth is eroding away as we speak. It too is traveling to a place where it is more connected.
As we no longer identify with the body as who we totally are, then we can see more easily beyond our immediate surroundings. The body no longer hinders our expansion.
Fear makes the world seem big and scary.
Love makes the world seem small and interconnected.
Love allows the heart to see that the earth is alive with a consciousness that knows how to feel. We can feel the earth from any point of view if we see from the Heart.
Thank you for presenting this topic on your blog!