How to incorporate nothing?

People sense incredible changes are ongoing and also unfolding beneath their conscious radar. As you bravely choose to identify apparent struggles, you realize you are invited to be at peace with every choice. Yet, are you?
More and more people are realizing that doing, feeling and being nothing is meaningful. Yet, they are also asking, how does one incorporate different levels of nothing into their lives? As you review your behaviour, some already falls away. What does it require to reframe nothing where you are?
1) Stop doing what you always do out of habit.
2) Detect that beliefs & opinions are out of place.
3) Notice power in being unemotional & impartial.
4) Dissolve any mindset that creates a struggle.
5) Recogize human-perceived time is irrelevant.
6) Understand who you meet helps or hinders you.
7) Pinpoint your level of self-control or how to find it.
8) Accept responsibility for how you think & feel now.
9) Realize you create struggle & can also transcend it.
10) Feel how adversity reinforces inner peace & stability.
11) Sense balance flows through he who feels balance.
12) Choose to be non-confrontational & non-resistant.
13) Visualize moving into unconditional self-acceptance.
14) Love everyone & sense you need not grasp everything.
15) Know you never miss anything you are willing to accept.

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With each moment we can decide to be at Ease or to latch on to an emotional roller coaster ride that began in the very distant past. Step aside from all approaching waves unless you generate a new one in this One Moment that flows from your open Heart.
1) Begin to watch every move you make and every breath you take. Become the observer of reflex actions. Once seen, they can be side stepped the next time they are triggered.
2) When we focus on something outside of ourselves, then we are neglecting that which wants to be released from within. Repress nothing and become nothing.
3) As one learns to transcend little habits, more power is regained to tackle the bigger issues. Clarity arrives. You can see further into the distance with less cycles that make you dizzy.
4) If you don't like something. Don't fight it. Love it by not holding on to it. Accept it has a right to live and that you do not need to participate in it. It will diminish if nobody believes in it anymore.
5) Lay the watches to rest. Eat when you are hungry. Sleep when you are tired. Wake up without being Alarmed. Do something only when it feels right and not when the clocks strikes a chord.
6) Create bonds with like minded minds. Forgive others who do not resonate with you.
7) Admit when you are caught up in a drama. Pin point the thoughts or feelings that keep you locked into a position. With self seen in a sticky situation, give up the position through honest intention and surrender. Put your hands up and let go.
8) Know that it is the choices we make that creates the next moment, and not the choices that somebody else makes. We can only change ourselves.
9) When you notice any physical or emotional or mental discomfort, just stop. Stop what you are doing, and back up. See and feel what happened. What transpired? Know not to go there again.
10) When the ground shakes, one's world resettles into an easier foundation.
11) If you feel centered and relaxed, then you will perceive the world as being centered and relaxed. You bring to the world what you yourself are experiencing.
12) Be respectful that we each make our own choices. Know that everything is in the process of releasing tension on different levels that exist beyond one's comprehension.
13) This is the path to the Higher Self. There are no strings attached up there.
14) People confuse holding onto something or someone as love. Instead, allow everything to unfold without interference. This is true Love.
15) The things that are on your mind or on your radar are the issues waiting to be resolved. The ideas, the things, the people that you are attached to, and that which you are struggling with, are waiting for you to Love them. They want their freedom and they want you to be free.
Remembering what it feels like to be aligned with inner self means you voluntarily purify habits, discontinue relationshiprs or activities that do not echo the authentic you. Thoughts and behaviours that contradict oneness distract you and prevent you from experiencing it. You notice what no longer resonates with you, instinctively shift gears, alter thoughts and choices.
Whatever preoccupies mind at a given moment invites you to notice it, decode it and discard it so nothing remains. You do not accept or reject things so much as align and harmonize all energy so you strengthen higher self.
As you act in silent strength, you know how people react emotionally does not have to affect your constant state of inner joy and peace.Be the astute observer.
The question is, is doing nothing really doing nothing or is the state of surrender working to resolve fear, anxiety, or whatever in tangled in the mind?
"Know you never miss anything you are willing to accept."
This aspect is important to unfold into a free consciousness. No chains.