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"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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The Code to the Matrix

Now is the perfect moment.  You are ready to access and decode the Matrix that has kept you in fear and suspended animation. You are ready to work through the illusions that keep you in the dark.  Everything you do is your choice.

I invite you to download this free 231 page book called the Code to the Matrix:

Share your comments on the perspectives presented.  Where is time losing relevance? How do you view your paradigm? What if attuning to the right frequency or right knowledge empowers you to expand? What if ideas you are given on human limitations, time, names and density of objects in space and physical reality is all innaccurate?  What if everything taught is irrelevant to what you remember now? What if you are no longer deceived because you experience inter-dimensionality?

Consider that everything you perceive is a fractal.  You sense 3 dimensions or more dimensions based on your level of awareness. There is 4d, 5d and it goes on and on...

If this topic & book interest you, tune into this internet radio show

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Reader Comments (12)

Hi Liara,

I finished reading the code to the matrix, and although I found it interesting, the entire book is negative by Nature. But this appears to be by design since the authors premise is that a state of duality is equivelent to a state of Hell and that if someone resides in the third dimension, everything is in essence a conspiracy since every action is reptillian in nature designed to bleed energy from our souls.

From what I surmise, the english language as well as any language in use today had been modifed to serve or summon entities, if used in an unconsious manner. The root meanings to words are linked or associated or are attached to the collective mind where one's fear then feeds the entities that are in relationship to the words being used. It seems as if George Orwell's prophecy was more of a description of what is happening now in the third dimension.

The author however, didn't go into any detail as in how to escape the matrix. What I can see is that if we continue to use the english language, one can merely redefine consciously what a word means by stepping into the feelings that are being invoked. For example, the author uses the word blessed, and to a dualistic mind, it will see the anagram of be-less since one is superfically sensing the word. This may also imply that one can not truly bless another when engaged in the third dimensional mind set. By engaging with the word blessed from a fifth dimensional point of view, one begins to use the language of light. One sees the energy dynamics that the user directs. By redefining the word blessing outside of the collective consious to dissolving negative imprints and allowing for people or objects to enjoy just being in the moment, then one liberates one's energetic flow to the 5th dimension, and above the fourth dimensional realm of symbols and associative memories. Therefore, english is still being spoken, but the energy flow behind the word recreates a new feeling into the world therefore, significantly modifing the collective experience. Therefore, we can redefine every word we use knowing and feeling exactly where one's personal energy is being directed so that one's soul ambitions and personal dream can manifest without any outside negative influences.

I actually really liked the appendex. It is like a secret file for those who actually read the book. It was much more exciting to read for me. It fills in a lot of gaps in ancient history.
November 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, any external information you choose to absorb reminds you the heart and mind are timeless teachers. If an inner judge awakens, it has not fully dissolved. Notice duality. To reinforce it distracts you from being fully engaged in the divine process that liberates the real you.

Consciousness is already conscious. It requires no awakening. Awareness is timeless and spaceless. You cannot lose what you are, only the illusions of what you think you have or no longer require.

When a person loses himself in what appears to be happening, he is losing himself in the mind rather than moving out of mind and body to reconnect with the truth. The physical world is filled with distractions until you transcend them.
November 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
All our basic languages are encoded to serve those who owe us.
December 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXamo
Xamo, thank you for your comment. How would you suggest human beings alter their behaviour to feel and be more empowered? Some people sense moving toward greater self-love and acceptance propels them to connect to the higher self and use telepathy more than words.
December 12, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
The english language as well as any language in use today had been modifed to serve or summon entities, if used in an unconsious manner. The root meanings to words are linked or associated or are attached to the collective mind where one's fear then feeds the entities that are in relationship to the words being used.
December 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXamo
What's sad is that a few weeks ago, this young man was exposed as a fraud. The book appears to be plagiarized. And he doesn't seem to be who he claims to be.
Spirituality seems to be the new hustle.
January 11, 2010 | Unregistered Commentervon
von, that is indeed food for thought. Every person we encounter is a teacher. Each person can choose to learn lessons, to retain something meaningful for his own journey, to love and forgive.
January 11, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I would first like to say thank you for the reviews although mostly negative very insightful to a few things. First is the selective hearing many seem to be victimized. I wrote this book 2 years ago and I made it clear that is was the height of duality which was written in such a way for a purpose as the work itself is more of a sequel which has continued on the website It is there you will find thorough information on also how to relieve oneself from the Matrix.

Now, as for the comment that this is some type of money racket or scam I do believe that they failed to mention the book was free which most are not. It was Our contribution to your society and innerstanding the programming that is conveyed everyday through the language. If you cannot see the obvious hidden meaning behind many of the words you use so commonly it may be more to do with imagining one knows everything before actually taking the time to fully examine what is being presented.

Lastly, there was a situation that occurred in regards to Appendix B which was a 24 page add-on placed in the book for better clarification. The Appendix B was exerted from the book Blue Blood True Blood which is also available for free. It has now been removed because of the confusion.

In all actuality this "smearing" of character is about something else. It is about he Venusian assimilation which We have uncovered. It is about the inverted pentagram which I so thoroughly laid bare and it is about a much deeper level of a cipher being revealed that is the key to comprehending everything that is happening on this dimension and how to traverse it, however, these same Theosophical New Agers are out to bury the final parts of truth and along with it, they will promptly bury themselves because after all they are Luciferian.

Now it is truth that what will take place in March with Alienshift or the Alienevent is the root to all of this. Know that there is a great deception within the conscious movement which can be seen here www.matrixunderground,com When they begin to gang up on you and are against you, well you have found the Path. 7 Arch Chariot
February 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJames Evans Bomaer
Sometimes the truth is a tough pill to swallow, it may not be what you want to hear, it may not be what you want to deal with, but at least it's there for people. It might be too much to take for some, and it's not like you can't take the blue pill and go back to sleep. This book was definitely hard for me to read at first, but I had to grudgingly admit that there is some truth to this book, even though it saddens me.
February 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris Hallman
Burdened by desire, it is easy to strike out around you.
A greater truth exists for us all. It speaks of infinite visions and infinite truths.

As the lotus unfolds, so does the heart.
Your minds, at once warmed by the dream of freedom, and chilled by the incomprehensible depth of space, seek to find divisions to manifest your individuality. Nooks and crannies where one can hide and replenish strength.

These hollows divine our true nature and and define our will.

It is easy to strike out around you, burdened by desire.
But it is an awkward and clumsy dance..

For others, there is only shining to be accomplished. These pillars of light soften the incomprehensible depths of un-know-ing.

Are you brave enough to come out of your hiding? Or, shall you remain cornered in your cave lashing out at the sparks streaming off those that are TRULY brave?

It matters not to the darkness........
February 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterStefan
Escaping the matrix is similar to writing a blog for the first time, recognizing that you have a voice & then incessantly forcing your way through time w/ this new attribute. The net that you lived in prior to this new funnel was trapping you from speaking, now you have escaped doing something 'freeing'.

What some of us haven't realized since we aren't active members of secret societies, the same science of a circle w/in a circle, w/in a circle w/in a circle is being exhibited in many forms ie. we are inside of a matrix which is inside of a matrix that is inside of a...

This type of book is what the initiate needed before he/she sacrificed unbeknownst.
February 24, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterson
A great book for me who had a firm grip on global conspiracy yet was clueless to the spiritual growth needed to transend it. One of the most profound, interesting, and eye opening things I have ever come in contact with. I find it laughable to call Sevan a plagiarizer or hustler. If that's the case why give it away for free, lol. I was glad he commented and cleared up appendix b because when I read it it seemed familiar. But again who cares since both books are free? I have alot of respect for this author. He puts what you can tell are countless hours into thecodetothematrix website which is all free. This author should be making money off this work in my opinion yet gives it away. And he's absolutly correct in his comment. The website picks up where the book leaves off with an abundance of information on expansion, wholeness and asension. I recently explored thematrixunderground website and gained a whole new respect. I really like that he is calling out the individuals who are playing on peoples desire for truth. These are the spiritual hustlers and I look forward to more being exposed. So thx Sevan and here's hoping you write part two exposing the identity of the Great Beast.
June 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTOP84

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