The Code to the Matrix

Now is the perfect moment. You are ready to access and decode the Matrix that has kept you in fear and suspended animation. You are ready to work through the illusions that keep you in the dark. Everything you do is your choice.
I invite you to download this free 231 page book called the Code to the Matrix:
Share your comments on the perspectives presented. Where is time losing relevance? How do you view your paradigm? What if attuning to the right frequency or right knowledge empowers you to expand? What if ideas you are given on human limitations, time, names and density of objects in space and physical reality is all innaccurate? What if everything taught is irrelevant to what you remember now? What if you are no longer deceived because you experience inter-dimensionality?
Consider that everything you perceive is a fractal. You sense 3 dimensions or more dimensions based on your level of awareness. There is 4d, 5d and it goes on and on...
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