5 Ways misery helps you

Misery is a concept that often alienates human beings. If misunderstood, it perpetuates a destructive cycle. When you reflect on sources of pain, this may trigger anger, bitterness, and more negativity. Misery is a state of mind that lowers energy, strips you of vitality, focus and alertness.
Part of you may wonder how things could be different, how some happening could save you. Your dreams may seem to shatter. Certain experiences leave you baffled or disoriented. Rather than ask how whatever it is could happen, step back and consider 5 ways apparent misery actually helps you;
1) It invites you to change direction. Discomfort is a wake-up call. Why do you choose to struggle? to perceive chaos? As you stop thinking, you find you still exist. Thoughts distract you from self-acceptance you have always had.
2) It is an opportunty to refocus. As you realize you misinterpret and distort situations, even blow them out of proportion, you realize you can shift your perspective. This discovery enables you to regain inner power. This is an opportunity to teach the self what it means to be unconcerned.
3) It draws attention to mental patterns. Suddenly, you realize you have choices to experience anguish or non-anguish. You feel devastated by explosive energy or, increasingly present and aware of what matters. Either you must disappear or sources of undesirable thoughts must go. What is shrinking?
4) It reminds you who is master. How long have you conceded to leave the mind in charge? To realize the mind is an passive instrument and you are the master changes everything. Learn to put mind in line. Mind cannot assert without your consent. As you tame it, inner violence ceases.
5) It confirms bliss is ever-present. As you detach from mind influence, you rediscover what else exists. In this way, misery is a teacher. To move beyond mind as an obstacle is to realize it is also an opening to joy. You sense the mind is a passage for whatever energy you choose to attract, allow and accept.

Reader Comments (8)
I find that focusing my awareness on energy blockages or imbalances in my body helps to ease whatever misery is roiling within. I find reiki is an effective tool when I'm unable to articulate the problems. Just focusing awareness and reiki energy can help.