Love is a timeless teacher

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
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Cosmic Synchronicity
People are taught the more they read and absorb, they more they know, the more knowledge they have. This is ego. It creates the illusion of dissatisfaction, restlessness and insecurity.
Devotion is another dimension of intelligence. It is often interchanged with the term, prayer. Yet, one can be devoted without praying and one can pray without being devoted. Devotion itself is not about repeating methodology. It is not about doing. Rather, its about being aware. Devotion implies being selfless, de-void of Self, not self-interested. It is merging with the flow.
Notice the nature of creativity has nothing to do with intellect. When someone plays music by ear, the person is not learning. The person is being one with the harmony. For someone to step outside the natural rhythm to teach how something was done, the very describing of it takes something away, makes the reptition mechanical. You require no teacher to listen to the heart.
Kahlil Gibran echoes 'The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.' True nature cannot be taught or learned. Many people come to think they have to struggle to be themselves. The truth is any struggle you encounter is your own-self-created resistance. Be aware and allow it to dissolve.
The moment you reach the threshold of the deeper unknown, nothing you are taught makes sense anymore. It is outgrown. Intuition is the dependable compass in all areas of your physical life. Awareness of the deeper journey arises when you begin to ask questions about the unknown and unknowable where no traditional answers exist.
Everything is felt as a bridge to love, to the recognition of the oneness of being. This is not the concepts mind would have you believe but is known through direct experience. You may notice a guide during the journey, but such a guide cannot experience for you. Just like the presence of any mentor or inspiration, you come to sense each one is an extension of you. Each one is reminding you that knowing complete acceptance and self-worth transforms your perceived life experience and what you sense beyond it.
The essence of being transcends any world you believe in or imagine. The presence of being is in the world but not of it. At the level of presence or awareness of real self, that which cannot be known, objectified or described, silence conveys timeless messages. As you notice the stillness, this frees you from an illusions of ego that are never real to begin with. Fear of freedom is ultimately what keeps you focused on identifying with the person you think is you. Be free and know what souls knows.
"The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind." -Kahlil Gibran
Every moment, the mind thinks and speaks using words. What you choose to utter reveals your sense of self-worth and much more about you than you realize. What do you hear yourself say? What are your word choices telling you about authenticity?
Authenticity is unconditional love. Being this is doing nothing but implicitly accepting who you are without fear. It is seeing life energy, the shared force, in everything. It is all seen through the lens of love. You are aware the conditioned mind blocks you from seeing universal oneness. When you say "I think," this echoes a sense of doubt or dissatisfaction already. Notice what you imagine into being for whatever purpose you also imagine. Allow or resist presence that is, the unwavering love that embraces all.
Choose to truly listen. What do you notice? Write down some of the words you use. Notice the feelings that aise. Be aware of emotions. Words are defined concepts that are, by nature, limiting. Even now, you are invited to learn and unlearn self-perception. Notice thoughts and feelings may draw attention to reasons for feeling less than perfect, less than unconditional love, peace, balance and well-being, that are all inside.
"All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind."
- Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam
Step back from your current focus and perceived conditions. Know where you are and how you feel is a choice. Many ways exist to see and experience energy or unfolding events. Notice your focus grounded in fear and vulnerability or love and acceptance. Everything points to a higher purpose. Feel blessings and revelations unfold. Imagine a world where fear does not exist and simply abide there.
"Love and doubt have never been on speaking terms." - Kahlil Gibran