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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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What if you reframe everything?

Realize how you think and feel vibrates with a certain energy.  This reflects a level of changing conscious awareness.  You are in the process of shattering illusions and bursting the bubbles of your own beliefs.

Every moment, you are outgrowing certain perceptions and ways of thinking.  You always have choices about which energies to discern, and how to respond to each.  Some people recall states of just being.

As you experience stages of awakening, you remember how to open ancient senses within.  You allow energy to flow into the body, feel more open to self-examine and reflect. This the beginning of a journey along endless inner highways of consciousness.  Why would society be structured to prevent you from accessing inner knowing?

Every human being has free will and the capacity to anchor light.  You determine a sense of purpose with the decision that you are ready and willing to be completely informed about reality.  This involves a process of opening up to your own process of Self-Disclosure before you connect dots and recognize synchronicity.

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Reader Comments (9)

Dear Liara ~ I am reading this post as I am just emerging from a bout of indulgent regret, or depression. It's so true. It's just before 11 am and I know it is in my power to make the day either a slothful pool of misery, or a good step forward. Your post helps.


ps: so I won't go back to bed and hide under the sheets and wake when it is dark, to sit through the night.
January 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
Awakening. For me, that is really about connecting with the truth that is there within me already, in seeing it in it's true light. When I reframe how I look at myself, my reality, my world - I DO see things in a different light. And when I make that connection to something deeper, what a beautiful place to be.
January 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLance
Why would society be structured to prevent you from accessing your inner knowing?

I've been mulling that over in my mind. Intriguing to me. Is society that way? Is society man-made? Is it a by-product of evolution? Is societal structure also just another barrier we erect against anchoring our light? Do we just go along with what society "dictates" without walking our own unique path? I think accessing our inner truth is returning to it's natural state, I feel a collective soul consciousness is growing. People are talking about meditation a lot. Or maybe it's more of a blogosphere thing? At any rate, I sense a lot of people reframing their lives, tossing out blame and shame for peering deeper inward.

Blessings, dear Liara.
January 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
henry, every emotion you choose to feel has the potential to awaken and rejuvenate you. As you grow more aware and conscious, there is no allowing self to become anything. You simply open up to being your true self. This is only love. This entails you grasp an idea expressed by the Bhagavad Gita. India's famous scripture states, 'essential consciousness exists everywhere, but is forever unaffected by anything.' In other words, you are always perfect, whole and complete now. Any fear, negativity of focus on worry is only illusion. Shift your focus diminishes the substance and meaning of your illusions. Suddenly, they no longer control you.
January 11, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Lance, life is meant to be lived with you fully accepting you and being you without restriction or restraint.
January 11, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Jannie, every moment, much of the media and society send out messages that tell you what you are not. Human beings are led to believe they are less than perfect, less that worthy, less than loved and accepted unconditionally. People begin to create illusions of insecurity, inadequacy and believe certain things are impossible or out of reach. Society reflects back to you like a mirror to tell you what your beliefs and choices are. When you recieve a sense of rejection or disapproval, this reflects how you feel about yourself inside. What you project in your own hologram is apparent in your perceived conditions and situations. You also have the power to chanve patterns, perceptions and habits. As you raise awareness, you can shift vantage point and alter how you feel about you. Problems are born when you sense you are less than you are.
January 11, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara – I have to say the one thing I find really difficult to adjust to is the negative or non-energy I get from close family members. With others that negativity isn’t there – but I can’t walk away from family – I do know people I don’t need to be around. I can’t get away at the moment and need to be around for my mother and obviously for the family in that process.

A learning curve – not easy .. at least I don’t find it easy - Grow up and get on with it – I guess, well that’s what I do.

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, unconditional self-acceptance means you reach a stage where you love and appreciate everyone as they are. Some people find this hard precisely because of experiences like those you describe. Recognize that feeling negative or uncomfortable about different people reflects residue of emotional pain from your own experience. In other words, interacting with certain people brings some of these hard feelings to the surface. As you notice them, its actually very helpful. So long as you identify with the pain, sense it is part of you, then you are unable to detach and free the self. The only way to work though and release it is to make the reasons for the apparent pain conscious. I encourage you to read a book called The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. He offers insight into this pain body concept, how it is created or imagined into being, how to work through it, experience healing and know peace. You are experiencing stages of a process of awakening, preparing to give up ways of seeing and understanding the world. Parts of the real you are revealing themselves. Some people view this as evolution. Other people view this as remembering. Words matter less than the experience itself.
January 15, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. thanks - I've got the Power of Now - and have just 'put it out' and when I start reading again very shortly - I'll read it. Thanks for the advice ..
January 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary

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