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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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How do you feel the implications?

If ever you have known anyone on the threshold of leaving this world, then you may feel invited to contemplate new levels of meaning in impermanence.  For some, to reflect on death is to explore new degrees of freedeom. Yet, many people are conditioned to believe it is hard to ponder death and freedom.  When you attempt to evade fear, or ignore facing death, somehow, both seem worse than they are.

Every moment, you have opportunities to gain insight into mind as more than physical processes in the brain. A different perspective says the mind is a threshold to boundless freedom and boundless realities. It is where you are faced with true self, core judgment, and the implications of choices made throughout your physical incarnation.  And yet, such a review is also possible while still being alive.

Consider how you view responsibilities, how you collect them, to what degree you feel you control them or feel they actually control you.  How do perceptions mezmerize and deceive you into creating misplaced prioirities? Maybe only those people who grasp the fragility and impermanence of life truly recognize how precious it is.   In truth, impermanence is ironically the only lasting possession.

Everyone has free will to make the most of time he is given. To what degree you ponder life and death opens a panoramic reveiw.  Nothing distrubs you unless you choose. To love unconditionally and serve collective humanity is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.

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Reader Comments (9)

Hi Liara,

We always seem to be on the threshold of something in the comings and goings of consciousness. Catching glimpses of past lives and creating new experiences can be exhilaratingly gratifying. The only priority for me is to do everything with love. With that mantra, nothing could be sweeter.
February 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
To have a view of responsibility gives one an automated response that takes place in the future. One is no longer alive in the moment.

Investigation of death will reveal the road to life. What may have once been viewed as negative, becomes neutralized by seeing the relativity of such positions and to any position. Replace something that is heavy with something that is light. By embracing sensations with respect and our complete attention, we can travel upon the waves of excitement to infinity.

The implications are that change is our closest friend that connects us to the Source of All pleasure.
February 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter( : Natural Moments :)
Hi Liara .. you’re right – we haven’t been brought up to address death or face (serious) fear. Recently I came across some photos of Victorian England whereby photos were taken of children and family besides the coffins of loved ones – it’s poignant how we’ve changed our thought processes – or protected ourselves from the naturalness of death and disease – so common in earlier eras.

I’ve been ‘through’ the process with my mother – she says she’s not afraid and that I believe – however she doesn’t want to leave her loved ones .. as I mentioned previously she came back 2 and a half years ago. I’m pleased she did .. as she’s given me the opportunity a) to blog and be here, b) to explore some of these areas .. and c) my path moves on as I learn more.

This week and weekend are decisive in my life and it’s interesting your comments on responsibilities etc .. more anon – we are free to choose. I have yet to understand your phrase –“ in truth impermanence is ironically the only lasting possession” – that will come.

Your words ‘Nothing disturbs you unless you choose’ – is so true at the moment .. as are ‘ to love unconditionally and serve collective humanity’ .. Cosmic Synchronicity .. Now there’s a phrase .. thank you!
February 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
"Maybe only those people who grasp the fragility and impermanence of life truly recognize how precious it is."

That is a lesson that I have been learning. You express it so clearly.

(I have just finished choreographing and directing Whistle Down the Wind and now I have some time to catch up on my blogging and blogging friends)

February 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
How we feel the implications is always our choice. The choice to see even hardships as a broadening experience is a powerful one!

Thanks for sharing this!
February 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterC. Om
Alexys, light, love and power restore the core being. Many people underestimate the implications of always being on the threshold of something, of some life-transforming self-discovery. To be aware of possibilities expands how and what you see/ experience.
February 8, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bern, many people are awakening to the power of more conscious transitions. Each person is guiding himself to become teachers and students of certain lessons. To be open to listening and learning from anyone expands you. People have diferent levels of awareness about life and death. Some people do not believe in death. One perspective is that nothing exists except the thought forms of the eternal, living mind. You believe what you choose, project what you choose. Everyone creates realities of mind.
February 8, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
henry, congratulations on your latest professional milestone. This is truly a wonderful thing. We are what is within us. What is within us is what surrounds us. There is no difference between what is inside us and what is outside. This is part of the lessons we are invited to take on-board. Note that moments of the past cannot be kept; moments of the present cannot be held and moments of the future cannot be grasped. The highest truth defies words. Subtle awareness is a step to moving outside conditioned nature. Why not trust the unknown and realize states of acceptance while alive? We all have infinite choices.
February 8, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, rest assured, everything happens at precisely the right moment for your own awareness to align. Why? That is how the universe unfolds. It responds to your unseen energy vibration. You attract like vibrations. Everyone is always in the process of reframing where they are and deciding deep down if their perception resonates with what is. You may apprecaite a book called the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche. Timeless wisdom in there.
February 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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