Feel the impact

When you are not doing anything in particular, existence flows silently through you. It is more noticable when you expect nothing and await nothing. Remember a moment when you feel no motive. Imagine you are a tree swaying in the wind, a flat stone sitting beside a babbling brook or a cloud nestled amidst rolling hills. In this moment, you exist outside the mind. You sense an unparalleled freedom with no boundaries. The presence you merge with is indescribable. You sense it is always there, and grow aware of Cosmic Synchronicity
Reader Comments (6)
You know, I've been working on more intentionally setting aside some time every morning to just "be". No distractions. No other motives. Nothing else taking me from that moment, except to sit with the silence. And I've found it to be very much what you're describing here - existing outside of the mind. And - I 've just found this to feel so right and good...
... only then, present moment becomes infinite, unlimited. It is our own expectation, our own motives, that bind us and keep us from freedom.
Though hard to maintain, it's worth it ;)