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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in nothing (42)


Find out for yourself

Notice what it is to find out for ourselves that there is no-body behind awareness. No deeper return or realm exists to reach. It is like taking a backward step (rather than moving forward or seeking). From the point that flash of recognition dawns, like a spontaneous flash in an empty sky, pure radiance arises and polishes the mirror. The light and dark merge. All urges to compare and conquer, dissolve.


Be That Which is Looking

(Image 7D Sun by David Dreamwalker Diamondheart)

Notice the end of seeking is the beginning if Being, the continual surrender of 'me-ness' so spirit can work through the ego. Notice what it is to turn attention around, turning it on itself. Awareness can be what it is and has infinite capacity to modify itself into an infinite variety of states of awareness. This spectrum is the gamut. We keep looking for true self (what we really are) as a state of "expanded consciousness." Awareness in its natural state is with everyone every moment. Its so ordinary, the mind does't usually see it. That which is real, is always available to All. We no longer make a big deal of it. Only as we turn attention to awareness, does it dawn there is nothing behind it. Awareness exists behind the perceivable, the thinkable. To look within does not imply we look for something amazing to happen, for states of consciousness to change. Looking within is not like looking outside "for something." It means to go to the root and the root is the looking itself. To go within is to turn into that which is looking.


Come into Remembrance

(Visionary Art by JR

Notice if we have some difficulty, we are used to saying how can we make our mind different, what do we do about it? How do we get beyond whatever holds us back? How do we/I let go? Every stage is appropriate for the stage we are at. What occurs when we no longer ask what to do with or about it? When we no longer attempt to manage conditioned self, stop seeing a destructive pattern to fix, then the projector behind it reveals itself. Every point of view is a level of consciousness complete at every moment. Consider going to the root. This is the point where we see beyond obstacles to surmount or situations to 'work through'. This is not for everybody. The way you are used to dealing with yourself, whatever is causing difficulty, can shift to seeing from a point that is truly objective. When we are no longer affected emotionally, then the root arises. Focus shifts to what it is that feels what you feel? Things get quiet quickly. It brings us into the lived experience of being ourself, shows us immediately "I really do not know." The more you look inside to find yourself, the more you find a false self. There is nothing wrong with this. Its simply not primary. It leads us exactly where we wish to go- the Void, mystery, the Nothing. Look into the mystery behind all your ideas and aspirations. Behind all the drama, stories, and personality, is the Nothing. Everything is about avoiding the Nothing that is ever-present. To fall into the Nothing behind the mask called 'you/ me, self/other' is to discover what we really are. It is not what we imagine it to be. It does not end up being the Nothing we assume, but much more than that. It reveals itself beyond concepts. Everything in the mind is distracting us from the Nothing; that perceived past (memories), future, anxiety or whatever seems to happen in between. All of this invites attention for lessons or whatever we assume is gain. The concept of "who am I" takes shape as you dive into infinite waters. It spontaneous awakens. Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki echoes, 'the Most Important Thing is to find out the Most Important Thing.' Until you find out what is The Most Important Thing to/for you (not what someone says should be the most important), you have not yet touched your true power, ignited the inner spark or fire. Tune in, see how it moves. Watch and experience what you really are relate and function in the human experience. Be aware how you operate, every cell, organ and aspect of being. How does true nature see your conditioning. Life is self-authenticating. The Truth is Self-evident. A true teacher keeps you on track and points the way for you to find things out for yourself, step by step. Come into remembrance.


The Truth of Oneness

Notice no separate events, relationships or "other(s)" exist. Any conflict you detect with another is a conflict inside with yourself. Any fear you harbour about sharing your feelings or perception points to what needs healing. At a pivotal moment, it dawns that nothing is left to fear. Right here, it dawns nothing remains but love.


Feel the point of it all

A common question asked is, 'what's the point of it all-- simple life experiences, the suffering, and emotional highs and lows?'

Consider the possibility that the meaning of life, the point of any given experience, is whatever you make of it, no-thing but what you decide. That implies responsibility.  What if you could feel your way to love or a message about it, wherever you are?  

Cease to believe in something and the image or memory vanishes. Your surroundings themselves materialize and change or disappear based on thought- feeling energy.  All you encounter is a different version of you requesting love and acceptance.  You are a cosmic chamaeleon. See it all as it is.