Notice & heal the division

Much of your identity emerges from standing against something or standing for something other than who you are. What if mind only exists to distract you from the essence of being? Notice and heal the division within. Punishment is not the way to go. Instead, choose to awaken, forgive and learn. That's good karma.
Reader Comments (5)
I have a question. I hope you can shed some light on. I have had an eating disorder my entire life. I am overweight now. I have had times when I had mindful organized eating and my weight was at a normal level. I have also starved myself on two occasions (I think I was loving the control aspect of that). Anyway, would you consider an eating disorder a division of self?
Thank you for your consideration to my question.
Some people feel they require things to happen so they can be themselves. A focus on drama keeps many people listening to destructive thoughts in the head. To grow aware of unhappiness and its causes can trigger an awakening about the origins of self-image, perceptions of failed achievements. Notice how humanity gets drowned in 'in-form-ation.' Why attempt to analyze or solve issues caused by excessive thinking in the first place? Losing touch with the formless, non-thinking invites attention.
To lose oneself in imagined form is what Buddha called, "suffering." Many people seek the essence of being forgetting the truth of who they are is not in magazines. To stop looking for an imagined image of self in the future enables you to find who you are now. You only need time to recognize the truth. Some people use time to get frustrated and experience other emotions unrelated to who they are. To see the human condition of suffering as it is to be aware of the untruths in the mind. You need not look to the external world for satisfaction or to create self. The ability arises to accept who you are.
Humans separate themselves from life when they demand from form what it cannot deliver. You create a barrier between reality and imagine needing and fearing. When ego self is self-critical or judgmental, mind distorts the truth of who you are, separating from deeper self-acceptance and joy that exists in the heart. Some people choose to explore why they think and feel as they do. Check this out-
I need to re-read this and actually take in your words. I have a feeling that this information from you could be really helpful for me. Some of the words flashed in front of me, judgemental, ego, needing and fearing. It is late here, almost 11PM. I am going to re-visit this tomorrow. Thank you so much, Liara.