Recognize yourself in another

Compassion is a force that enables you to recognize and appreciate aspects of yourself in others. Consider what motivates you to admire, model or choose to live vicariously through certain individuals. What does such identification teach you? Beyond form, in the level of being, you sense equality and move from conditional to unconditional love. A shift in perspective is one way to consciously Transform Your Life

Reader Comments (10)
Recognizing ourselves in others is an exercise in enlightenment. We can lift the veil off of ourselves and connect with the God force. In that instant, we are one.
Identification teaches me that what I admire within someone else is within me as well, I just haven't given it room to blossom...and what is within me is within All...
Compassion allows me to genuinely want your heart to genuinely want your heart whispers to be heard and realized..and the same compassion I extend to you, I have learned to extend to myself...