When questions cannot be answered

The mind asks questions. It creates processes and ideas as a means to answer them. The mind is unaware that exerting effort to dream, to confirm its vision and reinforce its identity, is actually a way of slowly letting go of all that it thinks is real.
Everything is taking place in the presence of something that merely sees. It is always here even when attention is focused on concepts, on changing ego self-views, priorities, and questions. It is always possible to release all that stands in the way of being that which cannot be lost, all that does not change. Notice what happens as questions arise that cannot be answered. Energy and attention shift. Without consciousness, nothing exists. This cannot be understood. That which sustains being, that which exists beyond all questions, is not invented. Close eyes and see.
"The one who starts the inquiry does not finish the inquiry but is finished by the inquiry." -Mooji

Reader Comments (4)
Inquiry is a driving force. It takes one for a ride, but one has to let go of the reigns to get to the answer, which brings one back to the very beginning. This starting point is an empty mind and an unconditioned non state of peace. However, peace exists while one inquires too, as long as they do not go looking for the answer.