Listen to the harmony

As you listen closely to the world, you no longer always feel the urge to talk back. Why is it people are conditioned to be good talkers but not effective listeners? How do you receive what is said? Often, people pay more attention to their inner chatter than what others are saying.
As you begin to truly listen to yourself and the thoughts that pass through the mind, you discover how it feels to sit quietly for hours and appreciate the silence. Present moment awareness brings your attention away from the business of life. You have less to discuss. Pay attention to your conversations. Notice how often you refer to the past or future. To listen is to absorb wisdom, to hear what is between the words, where the words are coming from, what is expressed in body language, the vibration of the sounds. You listen with all senses. The present moment reveals all.
As you allow yourself to grow quiet, you let go of all static between the ears. Listening to the body triggers catharsis. In essence, you know what is wrong or unbalanced right away. You sense what the body requires and take action to recify it. When you feel tired, you rest. When your body feels ancy, you exercise. When you sense hunger, you eat. When you sense a full bladder, you relieve it. When you listen to the mind, you know what it wants. As you get in synch with the body, perceived time is irrelevant. If you feel awake late at night, you do not force sleep. Emotions are also a reliable gauge for how well you listen to inner self. Deep listeners only know peace, only show love and compassion, and only hear through a lens of complete acceptance.
In essence, give yourself permission to listen to the soul. Give yourself permission to transcend conditioning. Compassion and kindness are the silent guides that invite you to listen more deeply to yourself and the world. When you listen rather than think, your intuitive powers kick in and guide you to gather insight. Open to trust. Harmony is ever-present. It observes your thoughts.

Reader Comments (8)
An honest connection to what appears to be an isolated part of the body then unfixes an issue or passes on or breaks up lodged information to un-stagnate light that loosens up the muscles...relieves the pain or discomfort.... and allows the body to disappear back into the greater environment where it then cares for its self by flowing effortlessly in relationship to one's greater nature. By Joining Greater Nature, the body is automatically Nurtured.
Therefore, if one obsesses with one's physical condition, one is constantly tinkering by inflating and deflating certain attentive regions of the body. These focal points often then lose full contact with other parts of the body and the so-called outside environment because one has in essence created an isolation chamber or a self imposed quarantine area created by tinkering with something that may not have been broke in the first place. However, now that the balance has been thrown out of whack, one then either begins to compensate in hopes of relieving built up tension by focusing on non root issues in nearby associative regions of the body. A cascade effect of dis-function then ensues within much of the body and mind.
However, now with certain infected areas in mind, or whole body in mind, or whole environment in mind, one can learn to dispel tension by linking perceived problems directly with harmonic flow in any imaginative way whatsoever directing the closed off areas to open up to the greater whole where one's attention can remain on nothing and everything until something new speaks to them. Often people refer to such a practice as surrendering or offering one's dis-ease directly to God without being mentally involved with the outcome, because the mental state often creates the issue in the first place.
Buddhist practice seems to perform something similar where they sense tension or some demon or become aware of something coming to mind, and with full and yet undivided or non-fixated attention, will then shift back into a neutral state which equates then to a place of harmony. So in a sense, one then returns such energies back to the source by linking the two directly together, ending a dualistic situation by returning misplaced energy back into Oneness.
So Yes, I tend to tinker in lower vibrations to see what it is that others are experiencing and then I try to explain it in relationship to wholeness. But Yes I am about to give it up for Lent since the Good Book Is overdue.
Information is conveyed on multiple levels simultaneoulsy. For example, as you read a book, watch a film or take in information through other channels, vibrations are felt in ways that are consciously recognized and also on levels that go unacknowleded or unnoticed by the mind. As you re-read a book, you feel things though the words and in the spaces and gaps you did not notice before. Every word or metaphor in religious scripture also invites multiple levels of understanding. What is consciously felt in this present moment is based on the degree to which the heart is open and other channels unblocked. Higher and lower vibrations exist in parallel. Where you focus attention shapes your experience of soul, spirit and consciousness and mind.
you took me there as i read ~
Thanks - Hilary