You make this place

You make this place what it appears to be based on how you think and feel about it. Do people you encounter seem to behave as monsters or angels? Your attitude shapes your experience.
If you seek to conquer others, the universe points to opportunities for profound lessons. If you wish to control others, you know suffering. As you recognize controlling behaviour does not serve you, other options are still open to you. Notice love is the opposite of control.
If you are kind, compassionate and non-judgmental, you see goodness in the hearts of others and overlook what the mind would have you compare and judge. Notice they see in you what you see in them. The world is a mirror that reflects how you feel about yourself.
Let things be. Flow with them. Love people and things so much you are willing to let them go. Be happy, come what may. State of mind and emotions fluctuate with conditions while being simply is. Unhinge the door the mind places in front of of the heart. Love no matter what.
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