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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Look deeper

Direct experience is not what you think.  In this moment, it is an invitation to be your own authority.  Note that yourphysical  body is forever conveying messages. How peaceful and contented you feel determines how well you are receiving and listening to your deepest self.  How negative, angry or fearful you feel sends messages that you are resisting accepting yourself.  Be aware of your feelings.

Consider a woman in labour does not ask someone outside herself if she is in labour.  Consider that if you have a child, holding that child for the first time is an experience you never forget.  You do not ask anyone else for confirmation of the bond you feel.  Consider that every taste sensation you experience is yours and yours alone. Nobody can gauge how sweet or spicy you enjoy your food.  You simply read inner signs.  All of your senses are inviting you to get in touch with deeper acceptance. What if you exist to awaken and connect the heaven and Earth within yourself?  What if everything is a pointer to the love you are?  Nothing holds you back from acceptance except for you.

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Reader Comments (4)

When any labour pain is let go of or felt deeply to its core, it becomes fully acceptable, allowing one to give birth to new opportunities and incredible sparks of genius beyond the concept of work or pain. The progeny then no longer reflect the hidden and dark secrets of the parents in hope of bringing their attention back to love.... but are a result of intentional and conscious design where soul then advertises to new spirit to fill imagined open space at no cost and without any strings attached. If any pain or labour is held onto in the birthing process, then the fruit or children will bear an equal and yet opposite energetic signature to its parents.

Referring then to another article, Dogs then are no exception since they are most often domesticated by problematic human beings. The dogs then are a reflection of the unresolved birthing process. Therefore dogs do not see other dogs in their complete likeness, but usually in the likeness of their so called owners who possess their energy as if they were attached to their hips and the second chakra among others. Therefore, a dog may view its self as little compared to a bigger dog. This is not always the case if the owners have no issues with size.

This can also then be seen in people who care for plants. The plants will then be attentive to the conscious and often more so unconscious design plan of its caretakers. When people vision or dream their expectations or desires upon other entities or focal points, the receiver then has the opportunity to accept and open the door to such plans or designs at the expense of their own dream home. But as noted, most plans are out of sight within the mind where the mind then projects shadows upon its focus to show off so called problems within the designer. Disease and particular traits then show up in the plants to help then awaken the so called dreamer.

Ideally, when all the details of the plants or child's existence are covered and examined and consciously designed or created, speciation then rapidly begins to occur. New design patterns can then be implemented. This then is what happens when new eras or ages begin. Old species become replaced by newly designed species since the intention of the planets occupants becomes concise and clear. Since this is a dream world, and when the dreamer becomes awake with focused attention, then the old dreams are resolved and let go of in favour of new wish fulfillment.
September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, connect directly with the deepest soul, and it recognizes no difference; no plant, no dog, no human, simply the light of oneness. No comparisons are made. Only the physical mind judges to create a sense of difference in its effort to establish its own identity which is imagined.
September 11, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
This is all so true, Liara. We know everything by sensing. To doubt means we are out of touch with our peace. And our peace is always available in the now.

To me your musing ties in to allowing things to roll off our backs, like the proverbial water off the duck. We are the duck. We are the water. We are the flow of all energy. Along our early paths we stewed over things, now we know the only stew is the one that tastes so good. Before we returned to freedom of soul we labored in our resistance of ourselves. We made things hard until we surrendered to self acceptance. We found things hard to let go.

We have returned to our ultimate perfection, this lightness in all.

September 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, appreciate every stage and perception for it all points to the divine light.
September 16, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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