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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in fearless (7)


Love is a timeless teacher

Notice some people believe love is simply an emotion that keeps people bonded and committed. Awareness echoes love is more. Uplifting feelings, a deep sense of care, connection and commitment awaken something deeper. One might say everything points to a love beyond boundaries, beyond the known and unknown. Even that which evokes discomfort and resistance is guiding us to surrender to what is greater than self.
As Kahlil Gibran echoes, "when love beckons, we follow him." The brave are willing to travel high and low, to endure and grow from whatever presents. The winding journey is guiding one home.
Something within invites us to trust or have faith in what love represents, in all its disguises, shapes and forms. At different life moments, dreams may be shattered. This can be love in action And even as we fall in and out of love, do we realize love invites growth and pruning. All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life’s heart.
The fearless one knows love is not limited to peace and pleasure. Love gives nothing but itself and takes nothing but itself from itself. Love possesses not and cannot be owned. Love is enough in and of itself. Only ego thinks it can direct the course of love. If love finds one worthy, love actually directs one's winding course.
Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself. This takes shape in the flowing river, the sun beaming down on the Earth, the wind that blows through the forests, plains and deserts. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own under-standing of love. And to bleed willingly and joyfully. Every moment is another opportunity to love and be loved, to be grateful for another day of loving. Meditate on love’s ecstasy.
To exist and move through life with a grateful heart is to sleep with a prayer of love for one's beloved and all beings in th heart. So love is everything and nothing, flowing in all directions and all dimensions right now. How and to what extent we are open to it, begins and ends within our unique being. This is the path of love, to love, back to love, from hence we came and never actually left.

Let Skeletons out of the Closet

Notice a common assumption about expanded consciousness is that this is about developing Siddhis (paranormal power), magical shifts in perception, instant manifestation, ability to travel or jump interdimensionally, access multidimensional realities at will, and all the appealing yet untouchable aspects of "enlightenment." In fact, what is apparently supernatural simply blossoms into the new normal only through deep inner work that allows illumination from within. This is the White Lotus opening or Secret of the Golden Flower of wisdom. True Nature arises through deepening self- awareness and a journey to self-mastery. It is about making the unconscious conscious, letting the "skeletons (shadows) out of the closet", growing aware of different aspects of self; traits, behaviors, and feelings, how we respond to what happens to us. Its also understanding that every thought and feeling we have every moment is shaping the direction and experience of our life. Unseen energies naturally shift and change physical conditions as we fearlessly examine conditioned structures of the human mind; its patterns, underlying trauma, electromagnetic and other blocks. Without honest and thorough self-examination, we unconsciously recreate the same dysfunction and imbalances in our world. Man does not suffer from external forces as much as from his/her own dysfunctional mind. The common thread in all dysfunctional relations is an issue of power. Until we have a conscious and loving relationship with self, we cannot experience "love" elsewhere. Our true purpose is not to direct or influence the behaviour of others using ego. Rather, it is to inspire the divine impulse of love to arise and flourish in others in resonance with our own inner radiance.


What makes Life worth Living

Notice what makes life worth living is being touched by the magic of life. Call it the unexplainable mystery that inspires sparks of excitement. Call it love, the palpable or visceral sensations of joy, acceptance, belonging, the energy we radiate as it hits we inter-connect, we are seen, heard and valued. A pivotal frequency shift occurs as we begin to love ourselves so deeply that nothing fazes us. We fearlessly make choices that a former version of us would never even contemplate. We surrender completely to the unseen support of the universe. We give and receive energy without judgement and strengthen boundaries that demonstrate we reclaim our true power. This is the moment we draw strength and courage from within ourselves that enables us to face what another part of us might interpret as our greatest gift. This brings true illumination


5 Ways to live joyfully

As long as suffering exists inside us, we cannot live life fully. It is up to each of us to identify the sources of  suffering in our lives. Only then can we accept, release and replace that life view with genuine joy and celebration. Consider 5 ways to decode setbacks and live more joyfully.

1.  Identify our inhibitions

When we are self-conscious, we are unable to act in a relaxed or natural way. Getting to the root of our hesitation or doubt is key to moving beyond it and existing in a higher-vibrational state.

2.  See the underlying reasons for suffering

Everything arises and disappears in the mind. Anxiety arises as we focus attention on the future, worry about an imagined outcome. Depression arises when we focus on ideas of the past.

3.  Be fearless 

This involves looking at each moment as fresh and new. It is about undertaking all endeavours with enthusiasm and an optimism, knowing everything is possible when we set the mind to it.

4.  Be passionate

No best thing exists to do or be.  We simply make judgements and choices. Being passionate, putting our heart into all we choose to focus on, uplifts and energizes us and all we touch.

5. Love everything

When conditioned, we see the world in terms of limitation. A genius is drawn to do what is needed joyfully. It is no more about you. Self-cosnciousness shifts to selflessness. This is a limitless way of looking at life.


12 Tips to energize & create a new world for yourself 

This is the perfect moment to review where you are, feel what it is to energize and create a new world for yourself.  Here are twelve tips;

You are energized when:

1. you interact with people who remind you of who you are (unlimited)

2. you recognize you exist to generate energy and create a new world

3. you realize love is not about possession but about giving/ inspiring

4. you question your true origins and fearlessly explore the unknown

5. you trust intuition to guide you to precisely what you need

6. you read books, are open to learning from yourself and also others

7. you are increasingly open-minded

8. you recognize constriction in your body that you can release

9. you grow aware of unconscious responses and move beyond them

10. you are worthy to live the life you have alway dreamed

11. you accept the 'what' always comes before the 'how'

12. your world is as healthy as the food you put into your body (*the most high vibrational food is raw, organic plant-based sustenance)