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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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The Best decisions: 10 Ways to make them

Every moment, thoughts are racing through the mind. You may wonder how to know what are the best decisions for you regarding your personal, professional or other areas of your life.  The buck stops here.  That is, its the perfect moment to take responsibility for how you perceive life to be unfolding, rather than blame someone else for what does not feel right inside or what does not appear to be going well.  Consider ten ways to make the best decisions in any situation:

1) Pay closer attention. Everything in life is connected.  Every synchronicity guides you to another when you are open and receptive.  Be alert.  Every encounter and situation is an opportunity.  Rather than ask why me, why now? Know the 'what' guides you to why & how.

2) Listen to the heart.  Call it intuition, call it what you will.  If the urge arises to turn right, to go to a place you have never visited, let it happen.  There is more going on than meets the eye.  Know you do not have to get your head around everything.  Best things cannot be explained.

3) Use Integrity. Being honest is often conditioned out of people. Notice where you fear telling the truth, fear losing pride or not getting someone's approval. Decisions based on fear never feel right. Decisions based on enthusiasm or heartfelt joy use love as a reliable compass.

4) Know your audience.  Recognize you can find a sympathetic or supportive audience for any choice that feels right to you.  People who would not do what you do only distract you from your inner compass.  Nobody actually knows you better than you know yourself. 

5) Identify core value. Notice the value of any given decision or result is purely personal. You establish your needs and imagine what could satisfy them.  Only you can determine how important some situation, state of mind or being is for you.  You are the measurer and the ruler.

6) Be aware of underlying motivation. Every decision you make has a trigger.  Some are more obvious than others.  You may think you are ready for a life change or notice you are in a position to help others. When motivated by love, you are always making the best choice.  

7) Know the power of surrender. You can create goals, design a path to realize them and still wonder what is going wrong.  To know the power of surrender is to feel that every experience is helping you to grow more conscious of what you overlook about your life.

8) Accept many roads exist. Whatever you would like to experience in life, there is more than one way to do it.  The mind limits your view of what is possible. The heart always sees a way.  From the moment you let go of complete control, options present you had not imagined.

9) Who's decision is it? This may seem funny, but its common for people to make decisions for themselves based on what 'somebody else' or 'everyone' thinks is best.  Discover who in your life is influencing you. Why allow this?  Know you have the courage to listen more to yourself.

10) Lose the inner judge. An amazing thing happens as you cease to judge your prospective options.  All of them appear equal.  That is, whether you attend this school or that school, take this job or that job, engage in this activity or that activity, commit more seriously to this relationship or break it off, take this course of treatment or not, lessons are available for you to learn about yourself and feel happy, peaceful and fulfilled.  Get to know how you think and feel.  The revelation that you can do it anywhere, under any conditions itself, transforms your life.

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Reader Comments (4)

I always love your posts, Liara. It would be great if the whole world could read and take heart to your blog. I feel like one of the chosen ones to be able to dance through your wisdom. Letting go of control, listening to yourself, avoiding fear-based decisions, all gifts to ourselves. The heart always sees a way -- trust your heart, and take the lessons as blessings along the way.

I like to read your posts multiple times, I get more out of them each reading. thanks!

July 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Greetings from Anaconda, Montana... a quaint and quiet community along the Continental Divide Trail along the high Rocky Mountain Spine. I feel as if my feet are performing acupressure along its route and trail. The people we meet have been wonderful. Too have pulled over in their cars recently saying they know what we are doing and seemed excited to see the first of us through hikers for the season. At the Vagabond Motel, the owner insisted we use his ATV to drive along town in. In Lincoln, Montana, the owner of a hundred year old lodge drove us back up to the trail to help continue us on our journey. Wonderful people everywhere curious and energized to know what we are doing and experiencing as we pass through their towns.

The best decision then on our adventure for Stacey and I is to connect to that which greets us in any given moment. It then seems like the only decision since it creates new neural pathways by stimulating the imagination in all energies that we cross paths with. If we feel the 90 degree heat upon our bodies, then we too also hug that which has spoken to us and accept its presence till we equalize with its essence.

I feel then decisive with every step i take essentially losing my legs to the earths unseen conveyor belt system. At times the body and mind becomes a bit anxious.... gets tired, or tenses up, indicating another meet and greet session is underway so that unrestricted energy will soon flow again. Its like a frontal pressure or weather system approaching... a wave of potential energy that looks to be kinetically involved.

Wishing and seeing the best in everything.

July 6, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterbern
Jannie, its always a joy to connect. Know you trigger your own Eureka moments. Only that in you which is me can hear what I am saying. You are open and receptive as fear falls away.
July 8, 2013 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
bern, one synchronicity guides you to the next and the next until you feel nothing else. Being open to what unfolds in the moment is being receptive to intuition, connections, vibes, relationships and all this world has on offer. As you take to heart that you only ever interact with versions of yourself and you choose to love all that arises, you simply give yourself infinite surprises and opportunities to love yourself more. Be here now. May conscious awareness of true divine nature sharpen and forever unfold in your midst.
July 8, 2013 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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