Value unmet expectations

You expected something, and it didn't happen.
You expected something, but the opposite happened or nothing. Your ego is shaken, you are in emotional turmoil. Whenever you are miserable, look deeper to uncover why. Empower yourself.
Causes are not outside but within you. The common practice is to look outside, to lay blame or ask:
Who is making me miserable?
Who is the cause of my anger?
Who is the cause of my anguish?
Just as you cannot be intimidated without your consent, you cannot realize what is really going on by focusing outside yourself. If you look outside you miss a deeper message. Watch what happens as you look within instead.
The source of all misery, anger, and fear, is hidden in you, (the ego). From the moment you recognize the source, you feel who is beyond it. To know is your own ego that gives you trouble is the end of its hold over you. Nobody consciously perpetuates his own misery or discomfort if he understands it.
Ever notice how humans are conditioned to focus on what is not working rather than on what is? Shift your focus of your attention consistently and transform the nature of experience.
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