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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in transform (8)


13 Things you can do to shift in Lucid Dreams

Dreaming can be developed as a skill to sharpen aptitudes in waking life. Daytime experience is helping night and night is helping day. In practicing of raising consciousness in sleep states, you prepare for Bardo (in between life and death). Yet you do not have to wait for Bardo to put this into practice. Consider 13 things you can do to shift life course in Lucid Dreams: 

1. If you feel held back, change speed

2. if its about size, you can grow or shrink

3. If feeling stuck, free yourself 

4. If you resist something, let go

5. If you imagine self as human, shapeshift into another creature

6. If some creature scares you, transform it into a kind and loving creature (i.e. puppy) or something ridiculous

7. If you freel frozen, allow yourself to move

8.  If you feel uninspired, stagnant, engage your creativity

9. If you experience scarcity,  transmute the situation into abundance

10. If you are serious, allow yourself to laugh, be happy, experienfe aliveness

11. If you have problems, devise effective solutions

12. if you feel limited, stretch save yourself, escape chains that bind you

13. If its about monkey mind, focus on smthg long enough and it becomes effortless


Activate the innate Rainbow Bridge

Notice we each activate the rainbow bridge between self and Source/ Higher Self. Opportunities exist to let go of illusions of separation, to unblock innate, far-reaching cosmic connections and energy streams. We bridge individual and collective consciousness, self and other, shift from who we think we are into who we truly are.
As worldbridgers, we come to align in this present moment, to hold a unified vision of harmony, between humans and things seen and unseen. Vibrational shifts activate dormant systems. Tuning into the Soul mantra alters how we receive and integrate energy upgrades. The physical body comes to hold more light, and accelerate change. Innate abilities like shapeshifting and the unthinkable come online.
The ultimate point of existence reveals itself vibrationally with perfect timing. Wavelengths of light speak a timeless language. As we move beyond self created limits, beyond all we experience with the five senses, the power of focus changes our interaction with and understanding of life force energy. We can transform, transmute anything based on how we respond. One is limitless, omnipresent, the one and only I AM. One recalls and embodies nature of undying.

The Secret to True Nature

Notice that as we let go of outdated beliefs and reveal our true colours, our entourage shifts and changes until we are in complete resonance with multidimensional nature. Every mind makes its choices between embracing truths or turning away. We guide self on the Path. Change is always both good and bad, because change, even when it is refreshing, always entails perceived loss. Nothing new appears unless something old ceases. There exists despair and equanimity. Impermanence is both. Its synchronicity that the lotus grows out of the mud and the phoenix arises from the ashes.
Much of my writing refers to death, absence, and disappearing from one world, body or state into another. Focusing only on immortality resists the wisdom offered by ideas of death and prevents one from feeling truly alive. As consciousness expands, one shifts from belief that death is an end to awareness of energy in motion, transforming, transmuting, changing form, state and ultimately, parallel realities.
If you want to understand True Nature, simply observe cause and effect over time. When the time is ripe, True Nature reveals itself. Every personal and emotional teaching of impermanence that life is kind enough to offer, deepens my capacity to love and expands innersight into the over-soul and its projections. We are all on a journey to realise that everything is based on love, connection, abundance, and freedom. No matter the experience, we can choose to perceive it through these high vibrating frequencies, and therefore embody more of our divinity in our current reality.



Surrender to the Mystery

Notice much like a caterpillar cannot turn itself into a butterfly, the ego cannot turn itself into a Soul. HUmans hold potential for a level of collective consciousness that is more expansive than where we are. Yet, only as we surrender to what is beyond ego, only as we trust that which ego cannot see, think or comprehend, and let go of the desire to have to know, does the miracle of alchemy occur. The elixir of life is within and each of us is called to experience it fully for ourselves. Consider a caterpillar eats its way to oblivion, innocently encloses itself in a cocoon, not knowing what is going to happen. Then, a mysterious metamorphosis takes place to transform it. The butterfly emerges effortlessly from the liquid like a phoenix that surrenders to death and emerges from the ashes. What happens to the caterpillar inside the chyrsalis and the phoenix within the ashes, is not for the physical eyes to see. This transmutation is timed precisely to coincide with the ultimate expansion of consciousness. So, a new mode of magical thinking or being is emerging without conditioned limitations. At the perfect moment, it dawns one cannot take an external bridge to infinity when one is itself the bridge.


Honour Yourself 

Notice what it is to honour yourself. To honour oneself means that we care and show ourselves as much love and kindness as we might show others, even treat ourselves better than we imagine others would like to be treated. Does it ever feel like you are more present for others, that you are more connected and in tune with the needs of those around you or that you want to please everyone? We are all helping each other along a winding road. We are crossing the abyss that separates us from our true selves. Journeying to and through the heart space is perhaps the most transformative of all journeys. This is about growing aware of and letting go of all we are not. There is so much conditioinng that exists to separate us from ourselves and each other. When the challenging situations arise, our first response may be to ignore this, attempt to get rid of discomfort, judge ourselves for it, view ourselves as a failure. Recall the story of Buddha shooting 2 arrows. The first arrow represents the painful emotions we want to escape or send away. We shoot the second arrow because we dislike our insecure, anxious, failing self. In essence, the tendency is to blame ourselvs for the experience. When its a habit to shoot those second arrows, or in other words, revert to a habit of judging ourselves, we are creating an abyss that is locking us in our self-created suffering. It solidifies our identity as a bad self, creates that undercurrent that "there is something wrong with me." The reality is that any self-aversion creates an abyss that separates us from others, and obscures reality. The answer is always to love ourselves, to love and accept ourselves into the freedom we tell ourselves we long for. Depending on our outlook, the outcome changes. Everything comes back to love. Its who we are and everything guides us back to the truth we know and feel in the heart.