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Insight of the Moment

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3 Ways taboos are pointers

Notice whatever evokes discomfort in you is the key and path to your own liberation and destiny. Recognize and join the dots of your own unique life experiences, and uncover an unconscious map to reclaim your personal power. Sounds easier said than done? Discover what surprising pointers guide you to your heart's deepest secrets.  Funny thing is, you may not even know how or why you gave this power away. This is invitation to contact us to engage in practices or therapies that enable you to access innate unconscious intelligence and wisdom and set it free.

1. List topics that bother you the most

Based on a surveys, thirteen of the most taboo adult subjects include; sexism, sexuality/sex/ prostitution, money, politics, rape, death (i.e. rituals, suicide) pornography, religion, weight, drugs, war (violence), abuse of power of authority, and stigmatized illness/ addiction (or any combo). Ask yourself what gives you the heebee-geebees or rattles your chain. Brainstorm what evokes anger, fear or heavy emotion.  Notice what you resist speaking openly about.  This points to sources of repressed/ suppressed pain or trauma you refuse to feel. You exist to decode why.

2. Notice what children blurt out

Ever notice children are direct, tend to tell it like it is until taught otherwise.  They speak freely and openly about body functions: burps, farts, digestion, poops, nudity, and  mysteriously voice those things you aim to hide or feel embarassed about. Ask yourself why its okay to speak about certain topics in the presence of kids or fellow parents, yet decide its taboo to speak about these topics more widely in other circles. At what stage or for which reasons do you begin to go silent?

3.  Be honest about where things need to change

When you feel some public system, structure or services are outdated or that things need to change, you are actually inviting yourself to view yourself differently so you access and activate more untapped potential.  Thinking about these things is a step toward speaking about or challenging the status quo in thoughts, beliefs and behaviour.  Beginning to change your view of the world and how you imagine your place in it is the path to feeling more comfortable with transparency.  This is a stepping stone to more consciously evolving into a futurist who is co-creating a new reality. Now is the moment to listen, empathize and flourish.  Simply be real.

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Reader Comments (3)

I will often hear children blurt out that which is in the air which is being suppressed or unconsciously hidden or will Engage in some sort of Freudian slip which often is a psychic message from spirit to break the tension of the moment or to open up a portal or insights into new potential or as gateway moments to new probability.
September 10, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Very interesting article!
September 10, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterL. T.
Bern, no such thing as coincidence, only synchronicity. Love the point you make about the apparent psychic nature of original innocence. Being without filters is like open perception or energy channels for all information to flow. Being authentic allows one to see it like it is.
September 10, 2018 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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