7 Tips to promote wellness

The ideal vision of relationship harmony and optimum wellness appeals to many. Still, this is not everyone's reality. We may work toward it, but sometimes obstacles seem to get in the way.
Consider this: we all encounter stress. This is part of being human. Whether we deny, recognize or deal with it, and the approaches we take, simply differ. Stress isn’t just a feeling or a mental state; if we do not address it, it affects every area of our lives. Beyond physical symptoms, stress can also have a huge impact on our emotions and general mood. (www.Stress.org describes some mental or emotional symptoms of mounting stress)
On a deeper level, its about energy flow or blockages. When we notice symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, we have different options to decipher and cope, depending on the severity of the condition. Different approaches can be complementary.
Consider 7 Tips to promote wellness;
1. Participate in emotional release workshops
2. Join a mindfulness stress reduction program
3. Book breathwork Sessions
4. Engage in meditation
5. Stretch into yoga & holistic spiritual practices
6. Learn new things everyday (challenge the mind)
7. Commit to coaching involving relationship & soulwork
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