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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Rediscover paradise

Notice though often overlooked or temporarily forgotten, we are one with Nature. Freedom is calling each of us on a unique path of remembering. This desire will take One to where it rises from: Self. All other desires burn in the fire of the divine Sun. An archer metaphor suits. Although our intentions and actions are under our control, the direction taken by the arrow as it leaves our bow of life is influenced by variables beyond our control. How we respond as the arrow flies is up to us. Do we rise up to a higher level, appreciate life from a whole new vantage point? All Nature calls us away from suffering and fear into our own Divine Being. Any sense of separation from the Divine, from Truth, is merely imagined into experience. This is how suffering is born. The unchanging, ever-present Truth in the hearts of All. The world is a mosaic of expressions in which each of us is invited to awaken. To discover paradise is already all around us is also to recognise paradise within. The serenity in Love is a kind of paradise. The Truth is Self-evident.

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