Be That Which is Looking

(Image 7D Sun by David Dreamwalker Diamondheart)
Notice the end of seeking is the beginning if Being, the continual surrender of 'me-ness' so spirit can work through the ego. Notice what it is to turn attention around, turning it on itself. Awareness can be what it is and has infinite capacity to modify itself into an infinite variety of states of awareness. This spectrum is the gamut. We keep looking for true self (what we really are) as a state of "expanded consciousness." Awareness in its natural state is with everyone every moment. Its so ordinary, the mind does't usually see it. That which is real, is always available to All. We no longer make a big deal of it. Only as we turn attention to awareness, does it dawn there is nothing behind it. Awareness exists behind the perceivable, the thinkable. To look within does not imply we look for something amazing to happen, for states of consciousness to change. Looking within is not like looking outside "for something." It means to go to the root and the root is the looking itself. To go within is to turn into that which is looking.

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