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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in colour (2)


Secret of the Emerging Humanity

(The Painter-Visionary Art by Annie Kyla Bee)  the clairvoyant is already developing within the states of consciousness to which the future of all humanity is advancing. It dawns the heart is not simply the physical pump widely taught but rather, a spiralling organ of multi-sensory perception. What the clairvoyant sees in form of clouds of light and colour around the human physical body (aura) will change into physical form. What visionary artists express in paintings will also emerge in the physical dimension. As fear dissipates, activating senses are already giving human beings the capacity to perceive other forms and realities. Already, the clairvoyant, using active spiritual senses, sees the spiritual models of what are to be material entities. This is a stage before instant manifestation. Imagine a world where the thought of colour emerges as colour itself, where the concept of sound is sound that is received and heard instantly through the ethers like a telepathic message by beings on the same wavelength. Imagine that vibrational downloads need not be translated via music compositions or played by instruments for others to hear a composer's vision. As Earth transforms itself, humans also enter into conscious discourse with beings completely hidden from current sensory perception. The nature of perception is expanding, such that actions, feelings and all interactions with the environment and unseen, are completely transforming. While it is common for many humans to influence sensory beings, we are evolving to act consciously on very different forces and powers. We are growing to receive and work with influences from different realms. Ideas of birth and death fall away from as it dawns "death" only occurs when consciousness depends on the external world to which it enters into dialogue with physical seses. When these physical sense organs fail, every relation to external environment ceases and "death" occurs. Yet, as Soul the is so far advanced it no longer receives or depends on the external world through physical instruments , but receives them through images the Soul creates out of itself, then it reaches the point where it interfaces with environments independently. Life cannot be interrupted against Soul's will. This kind of collective psychic consciousness is is the state of the Soul on the emerging Earth. We are moving to consciously create images, sounds, objects, beings, and more. The consequence is humans will perceive and interact more widely with beings of a higher kind than those generally encountered. The cosmic alchemist is emerging and transmuting. 


When all is said and done

As you become aware of thoughts, you grow aware of the colour the ego gives them. The awakened mind sees through the colour that takes form as beliefs and attitudes. Everything that moves through the mind may manifest through the body. Everything is a pointer.

Engage the intuition. Feel your way into what is reliable. You know how it feels to sense imbalance and to recognize decision-making time. How we deal with each other is what matters. Be at peace with yourself and in harmony with others. Whenever you want to, you can stop the universe and be still. What is real creates peace, stillness and happiness. Be aware of the reactions going on inside the mind. Notice what you know without thinking.

Ask how you can argue with love, harmony, peace? You cannot know them in your head, only through direct experience. When all is said and done, nothing remains. Nothing is always here and is often overlooked. Why? An underlying stream of thoughts adds colour.

Notice what you allow yourself to see. Notice where you get emotionally involved.  Notice where you observe and remain humble and silent.  Notice darkness and light and what it feels like as they merge.  Saying nothing, doing nothing, being nothing, simply be who you are. If ripples exist on the surface of the lake of your mind, you do not see the stars clearly.

"You know if its truth if it leads to peace and harmony and freedom, it leads to letting go, to enlightnement, to the highest happiness, you cna know it must be the truth."  -Buddha