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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in cosmic synchronicity (60)


How do you experience your transformation?


Who do you want to be? How do you choose to feel? What if you decide what comes next for you? What if multiple events are unfolding simultaneously and the degree to which you experience darkness is the degree to which you are preparing to experience the light? Consider everything prepares you for right now.  You are remembering and merging with different levels of Cosmic Synchronicity.  Ride the wave of light and love.  Many forms of abundance exist. Each one awakens the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it. Recognize that what happens is awakening you to the authentic self.  What flows to you without resistance?


William Henry & cosmic significance


William Henry invites you to see the hidden significance of geometry and symbols in the Washington Capitol Building as well as in other landmarks around the planet. He is an invesitgative mythologist, author and speaker.  He guides tours to places which acelerate awakening. 

On January 3, my Dreambuilders Australia Radio Show guest is William Henry.  Join us live to explore where you ahve not gone before or access the archives.  Be bold and to open to hearing more about gateways to higher consciousness, stargates, portholes and synchronicity.  You are here for reasons unfolding right before you.  Simply be open to what is revealing itself.

Imagine that in this moment, you are undergoing a process undetected by the physical senses that involves degrees of DNA activation and transformation.  Discover that free will influences how things unfold and when, what you feel, where you go, and whether your surroundings amplify anything noticably inside you.  You are gradually tapping more into collective consciousness. The physical body can evolve into a pure light body. What if the physical is not all there is?

Check out Lightstream Productions to learn more about William Henry's books. 

Now, the cosmic significance of this process is determined in part by what you bring to the experience. You decide whether to engage on mental, physical, emotional, spiritual or other levels, consciously and/or unconsciously, seperately or simultaneously. Every choice has implications. 

What does a vortex mean to you? How does connecting with energy, frequency and light, enable you to tap into dormant inner power? Why even go there? We only ever invite people and expierences into our lives that we are ready for. You are here to allow more of the unseen to enter into your awareness. Join us!


It begins with you

Every moment, you are developing intuition.  How? You focus attention on certain things.  You are engaged in a transition within transitions. You know where you are going. Its in the programming of the subconscious mind.  Whether you choose to align more consciously with this intention is up to you.  Initiative begins with you.

The universe is guiding you through your thoughts.  You filter energy vibration and decide whether you think with the mind or feel with the heart.  Why? You are empowered as you take opportunities to push resistance out. 

You embody all the required resources now.  Yet, you may not realize it is up to you to engage in Self-Disclosure, to initiate changes from withn.  As you raise your vibration and grow willing to listen to your inner self, you open as a conduit to invite specific conditions.  You grow willing to expand consciousness and tune in to love vibrations.

Whatever you focus on, whatever you write or discuss, you create this energy and bring it into being.  This includes new awareness of what you are, stages of unseen transformational experience or, something else. You can choose to wrestle your way into expanded perception of light or transmit light through unselfish service.

As you continue a chosen journey, you may feel shared vibration is expanding inter-connectedness.  You may tune into this without force.  You may sense the etheric (energy) body of every human is connected to the energy of the planet, the solar system and all expression of life.  As you receive energy impulses, you may feel new insight into Cosmic Synchroncity. If such ideas do not resonate, let the student not accept what is offered or still flowing forth.


What does it mean to be happy?

The definition of happiness you adopt in the physical world differs from a sense of being looked after by the unseen world.  Every human being is loved and accepted unconditionally every moment, but many forget this.  You may also forget that love begins within. How you treat yourelf expands to create your external experience.

The universe renews energy for you while you sleep.  You awaken with a lighter energetic load or dredge up whatever may prevent you from experiencing the happiness that is you.  Every feeling is a choice that vibrates.

What if you choose to pull in expanded awareness? What if you reconnect with sources of inspiration to help you trigger revelations about howto access happiness? This encourages you to open to what you already know inside.

The books available through this website empower your own awakening. Take advantage of opportunities to learn more about yourself through Self-Disclosure Changes from Within. Beforel long, Cosmic Synchronicity and Transform Your life: 730 Inspirations will also be availabe. You are your own teacher and guidance helps.


Get back with with the flow

In the mind, you think its possible to be out of sync or out of the flow of what feels right.  Emotions block the experience of now.  Here, being in the flow is the only reality.  This is feeling peaceful amidst whatever arises. Illusions arise in a sense of past and future.  This is out of sync with true nature.

Human beings get emotional because they allow the mind to judge.  Judgement distracts you from the natural flow of energy vibration that grounds and harmonizes your energy being.  

To see the beauty of nature in silence is part of the process of remembering what you are.  You awaken to see through your own filters.  Recognize inter-connectedness with One Humanity.

What is required to wake you up? What if everything you do is a catalyst for deep awakening?  Simply be willing to expand perspectives.  Nothing is mutually-exclusive or separate.  Everything points to deeper seeing.  The physical senses are Self-limiting yet point to wider experiences available  to you.

You connect with inspiration in cosmic revelations, dream visions, and creative spontanaiety.  As you work through and let go of blocks, a rush of energy and inner knowing allows you to sense divine plan. One related tool available to you is my ebook, Soul Work: 50 Exercises to align mind body & spirit.

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