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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in cosmic synchronicity (60)


What is growing more prevalent?

Ever notice that where you focus your attention is magnifed? That is, if you fear something, it seems to grow and come after you or produce whatever feeling interplay mirrors your inner self.  Until awareness or conscious understanding of feelings is broadcast and received by parts of the body, little progress or change is noticed.

On another level, in terms of sending telepathic signals, how often do you sense the receiver does not get it? Some people wish for someone to come home with a quart of milk and wonder why the other person does not read their mind in transit. The most effective messages stream from heart, but the heart of what? You feel the truth inside.

On still another level, you may forget that different parts of self are interacting and communicating in more ways than you consciously follow.  Those exchanges that involve consciousness may find analogy on the physical plane, but they are noticed moreseo based on sensitivity of other energetic impressions.   Recall Cosmic Synchroncity.


Create room to vibrate

Everything you do is gradually creating new awareness of multi-dimensional energy. You integrate many parallel memories and the ever-expanding now.  Your expand based on vibration cycles and the paradigm you establish.

You are in the process of altering your sense of perceived time.  The splitting of the second and moments are key.  Both positive and negative polarities are expanding.  Your belief in a new version of reality is coming into being. You imagine structure, rules and limitation and then feel the truth underneath.  You change or mutate as energy.

More than one layer of reality exists. Different grids and vibrations shift according to the energies you vibrate.  Doorways of opportunities are opening to you.  Dimensional shifts unfold and help you sense your roles in parallel universes. You alter your past experience or future possibilities and notice its all Cosmic Synchronicity. 


Energy is the Source

As you learn to harness cosmic energy consciously, you amplify the quality of your existence.  The power of spiritual light has the power to clean your body energy and transform your subatomic structure. You sense harmony already and have the choice to strengthen the molecular level of your essence.  Access inner power.

Consciousness can appear in many forms. You use energy to create your reality, but may distort it with mind patterns of fear and hate. Wisdom comes through the mastery of life experience and working through of karmic lessons. Everyone has opportunities to evolve at the right time.  Feel the way to inner nature. A person does not expand consciousness through engaging intellect. Love requires no healing.

As you move into spherical thinking, you feel accurately when something is valid or not. As you do this, you open to multi-dimensional perspectives. You realize your thoughts and feelings change energy every second.  Reasons exist for everything even if you do not sense it instantly. Growing awareness of Cosmic Synchronicity reminds you what emerges out of love. Do you respond to everything out of soul wisdom? Open the mind.  Discover experience outside of fear.  See life as a true adventure.  Experience life with a light heart.  Know you are the source of all you think and feel.


Sense clearly again

Every experience tells you about inner self.  Every way you feel and perceive worlds, is a reflection of how you see and experience the self. Do you sense anything other than perfection?  Open your senses to the truth.  Everything is sending you messages that you are ready to sense clearly again.  What does it mean to feel truly alive?

You venture to this place as you are aware of energy within as it is; all-powerful and unconditionally loving.  You are capable of being, doing and feeling anything.  This is unlimitedness.  As you recall how to align with simply being, you choose to release results of this connection.  You are invited to engage in inner work to evolve.

To sense the impulse to be unlimited in your creative expression is part of connecting with Cosmic Synchronicity.  It is your intention to be successful, to remind self to give and recive love in all things every moment.


Remember what you need

As you increase your level of awareness, you begin to discern the fullness and beauty of life.  You also experience revelations about what you need. Its possible to let go of situations, to detach from relationships that you outgrow.

Everyone and everything is in a state of evolution.  Part of the process involves remembering how to attune to the true self, to accept unconditionally the conscious creator you are.  You also sense you are opening up and releasing barriers that block access to the spiritual self.  Choosing to feel and be pure love is part of the renewal process.

What if you begin to sense new kinds of energy acessible to you?  What if your paradigms and self-view are shifting? What if sensing unlimited abundance is part of recognizing endless cosmic energy that already flows through you?  Cosmic Synchronicity is not only a healing force and cosmic stimulus. There's oh, so much more.