5 Tips to deepen connection

When people are asked what they want more than anything, one common response is to create emotional connections and invite others to do the same. Such an emotional connection does not arise from anything external; not from obtaining materialistic wealth, power, fame, car/house from lots of travel or modelling someone else's version of reality. We might then ask, what is it?
Connection is the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they find strength and inspiration from the relationship, and can have deep conversations. This can seem hard as so much arises to alienate people from connection. We live in socieities that create and instill ways to punish, shame, create criminal records and other barriers to prevent people from reconnecting. It helps to reflect on specific examples and see where we relate.
Technology can be viewed as a bridge or a wall to connection. We have Skype and What's App to see people on screen when they are far away. Yet, some would say that only deep, nuanced, face-to-face relationships with physical touch are real connnections. Although I had penpals I never met who taught me amazing things about cultures and language, those I eventually met in-person added a dimension of realness and connection that letters alone could not provide.
In 2020, we are one of the most electronically connected societies that has ever existed. We have the option to buy online, get groceries and products delivered to our doors for convenience. Phone-ordering is another option to avoid interacting in-person. We have online banking. We can use bank machines rather than visit traditional tellers. We have the option to bypass cashiers in grocery stores because of modern scanners. We have automated chat windows for online customer service and drive-through restaurants that suggest we fear deeper relationships. We are also taught to focus on difference and can temporarily lose sight of the deeper Truth. Only when ready do we find the courage to make new choices that allow us to shift priorities.
Reflect on 5 tips to deepen connections in life:
1. Do something creative & fun everyday that connects you with people
2. Accept we sometimes feel defeated and share stories. Vulnerability makes us real & human
3. Smile and laugh more often, because we can, not because we must
4. Recognize we all share the same air, water, light and Earth and this unscorces everything
5. Recall everything is made of the same energy