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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in detachment (14)


Soulful persistence

It is said that as you work at something, it becomes easier.  From this view, the endeavour gradually does not seem like work. Some people interpret this to mean the harder you exert the self or the more it struggles, the bigger the reward. 

Society teaches that a person is meant to earn success with blood, sweat and tears. As part of the process, a person is expected to engage in competition, conflict and feel repeatedly tested. Deep down, one is invited to ask what is testing whom?

Ingrained views condition people to think that anything coming easily does not deserve to be appreciated. For example, when a sports game appears one-sided, not only do players feel something missing but spectators somehow feel gypped.

Another view of persistence has nothing to do with striving to achieve, accomplish or become anything. From this view, you need not be fastest, best or most anything. Comparisons and a need to excel fall away. What you are remembering, remains. The soul is a silent warrior with infinite patience. What is the nature of any path? How does soul dialogue and expand inside?


Respond to adversity with love

Imagine you connect with someone who says he feels he approaches the end of his rope.  He shares with you that nothing is going right, that he is not getting what he wants and that his health is failing.  This person may be emotional, self-critical and focused on what he does not control.  This could also be you. What are you invited to learn?  How can you respond to adversity with love? Sense these five things;

1) Listen with your being.  See blessings wherever you are.

2) Feel every thought and emotion then, detach.  Know they are not you & do not control you unless you let them.

3) Love and accept everyone & everything unconditionally.

4) Recognize the impermanence of everything.

5)  Focus on your awareness of a situation & open to attract the thoughts that will reveal answers. Tap into universal wisdom consciousness.  Use what it offes without becoming slave to it.


Action speaks louder than words


Zen koans offer insight that prompts reflection about your own thoughts and behaviour. This classic is shared from

In modern times, a great deal of nonsense is talked about masters and disciples, and about the inheritance of a master's teaching by favorite pupils, entitling them to pass the truth on to their adherents. Of course Zen is impartedfrom heart to heart, and in the past it was really accomplished. Silence and humility reigned rather than profession and assertion.He who received such a teaching kept the matter hidden, even after twenty years. Not until another discovered through his own need that a real master was at hand was it learned hat the teaching had been imparted. Even then, the occasion arose quite naturally. Teaching made its way in its own right. Under no circumstances dida teacher even claim "I am the successor of So-and-so." Such a claim would prove quite the contrary.

The Zen master Mu-nan had only one successor. His name was Shoju. After Shoju had completed his study of Zen, Mu-nan called him into his room. "I am getting old," he said, "and as far as I know, Shoju, you are the only one who will carry on this teaching. Here is a book. It has been passed down from master to master for seven generations. I also have added many points according to my understanding. The book is very valuable, and I am giving it to you to represent your successorship."

"If the book is such an important thing, you had better keep it," Shoju replied. "I received your Zen without writing and am satisfied with it as it is."

"I know that," said Mu-nan. "Even so, this work has been carried from master to master for seven generations, so you may keep it as a symbol of having received the teaching. Here."

The two happened to be talking before a brazier. The instant Shoju felt the book in his hands he thrust it into the flaming coals. He had no lust for possessions.

Mu-nan, who never had been angry before, yelled: "What are you doing!"

Shoju shouted back: "What are you saying!"

What is your impression of this tale? What insight do you extract from it? How do you relate in your life right now?


Create a bridge to higher dimensions

Right now, every cell in your being is going through key transitions. The path to ascension consciousness reveals your attachments. Shifting of awareness requires different kinds of experiences. If you are of the mind to create a bridge to facilitate your ascension to higher dimensions, consider this;

1) Fear arises as you separate from what matters.

2) Gratitude for all experience dissolves misunderstanding.

3) Perceived chaos or challenge is irrelevant.

4) Illusion is fading away regardless of your awareness.

5) Know you can be held where you are or set free.

6) Awareness without judgment heals the soul.

7) To be pure love, hold joy and let everything grow from it.

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