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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in divine nature (10)


Surrender to true nature 

Watch what happens as you spend more time in forests.  See how it touches deeply within you and invites you to surrender to that which cannot be explained.  You lose all sense of time.  Any thought that arises in the mind is fleeting.  The urge to judge dissolves. Suddenly, it dawns on you that you do no-thing.  The revelation sparks that everything in existence is divine will.  

Consider the possibility that all you think you have ever done only unfolds in your own imagination.  It hits you that you are the God that creates this lifetime before the thoughts and experiences are created in time. From the moment you accept only God's will exists, and feel the truth, you recognize you are that God.  The person is a form through which the divine awakens within itself. Surrender to true nature.  Be here now.


4 Ways to live more authentically

It is common for people to desire to live more authentically, that is, to feel more at ease with life.  To be honest with yourself about who you are and why you what you do is actually easier than you think.  Make changes as you see fit.  Consider four ways to live more authentically right now;

1) Pay attention to your body.  Your body language is always sending you signals.  Where you seem drowsy, feel restless, slouch or or are generally inattentive, you are expressing disinterest.  Its possible you are in one place in body but another in thought or soul.  If you do not wish to be somewhere, you are acting against deeper will.  This tells you that you are not listening to the subtler or natural tendencies inside.  Where posture exudes confidence and you are at ease in your own skin, you know you are in the right place.

2) Notice your thoughts. The more you notice the kinds of thoughs racing through your head, the better you get to know your true self.  Where the mind is focused on the past or future, or if you find yourself dwelling on judgment and comparison, this is ego or fear based living.  Shifting attention is simply shifting focus from thought-to-thought.  To be focused on this present moment is where you are most true to yourself.  Awareness takes over from thought in the here and now.  Only love and acceptance exist.

3) Recognize emotions as a gauge.  Such energy originates as thoughts in the mind and is often mistaken for feelings (of the heart).  When you make choices that resonate, you do not doubt, fear or question. Negative emotions indicate how far away you are from making the best choice for yourself at a given moment.  Positive emotions reinforce how authentic or good you feel about your choices.  If you feel torn in some situation, then emotions point you in the most suitable direction.

4) Be aware of your feelings.  These are the unexplainable vibes you get. It is your intuitive side that has no logic the mind can grasp.   True feelings are a synonym for pure awareness and the feeling centre is in the heart.  When you live in this moment, you appreciate where you are and see it in realtion to the big picture.  You feel interconnected to all that is and gain insight into yourself from everything, seeing it as a reflection of divine nature.


Savour the moment

From one perspective, the moment we share together passes in the blink of an eye.  From another vantage point, this moment is all that exists.  That which seems to pass disappears in the same moment something new arises.  Everything is self-evident as you inhale and exhale, leaving you breathless.  Savour the moment.  Be the Path.  This journey is a gift you give yourself.  Awareness of time and no-time triggers infinite revelations.  Be awake to true divine nature.


Rediscover your natural state

Recall your natural state.  It is one of ease, acceptance, and harmony.  The fastest way to return to this natural state is to focus on that which you already are, on that which triggers joy, smiles and appreciation. Success is given.  With less effort than you are conditioned to believe, abundance flows. 

In essence, your life is a reflection of the vibration of your consistent thoughts.  Feel good and know all is well.  Be open and receptive to the flow of life.  See blessings everywhere and the universe fills the empty vessel with new experiences.  Everything is a lesson, a call to love yourself and everything more. Allow everything to point you toward true divine nature.


Treasure is here and now

Notice the mind has you focus attention anywhere but the present moment.  The mind tells you that what you want is within reach, is something to work toward.  Yet it distracts you from the gift of being.  Direct experience offers treasures found in the pocket and heart. 

What happens as you recognize the ultimate gift is being who you are right now? There is nobody to blame. Forgiveness is unnecessary. Nothing is required for loving and appreciating the priceless treasure that is.  The essence of being knows nobody judges you but yourself. Watch what happens as you do not identify with anything. Unlearn, let go and be.  Harmony with divine nature and true presence already are. 

"Every problem has a gift for you in its hands." - Richard Bach

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