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Entries in ego (90)


5 Ways to expand consciousness

Consciousness is a concept human beings initially define only in human terms. You may struggle to grasp that beliefs have potential to bridge not only degrees of awareness about physical forms, but also layers of knowledge about energy vibrations in formless dimensions you may not yet discern or accept as real. Consider 5 ways to expand consciousness;

1) Remember you arrive without ego. Physical existence is a soul exercise to learn who you are. At birth, you mentally bury lessons learned during past incarnations. Integrity or, the desire to be honest, drives the core of every soul. Yet, the voice of ego obscures truth and alters perception. One has infinite opportunities to create and resolve misunderstandings. As you adapt in mind, you effect collective intelligence.

2) Uncover truth by acting responsibly. As a human being raises awareness, inner soul comes to identify layers of self-deception. One is equipped to work through fear and obstacles falsely imagined. They anchor you artificially where you think you are. Going with the flow of energy means not interfering with the natural unfolding of creative power within oneself.

3) Discern meaning of fragmented self. A human being is never completely separate from the Source of core energy. At birth, a percentage of energy transfers to your physical form. At transition (apparent death), energy shifts to re-join the balance of energy you left behind. Energy awaiting your return has multiple, ongoing roles you attune to or sense when ready.

4) Perceive time and space as relative. Each soul fragments from a singular energy Source that divides to enable different levels of existence and expansion. Each soul fragment has equal intelligence and capacity to detach and recombine. Yet, the complex nature of soul memory and knowledge differ at conscious, subconscious and other conscious levels. Knowledge is accessible as one is ready to accept and apply progressive degrees of truth.

5) Grow more conscious of parallel dimensions. Diverse levels of soul training reveal possibilities of learning things like bi-location in one realm and conscious splitting of energy into others. This brings to light reality of multiple, simultaneous incarnations. Its possible to separate one's soul energy to guide souls in physical worlds and also to function on other planes. To transcend negative energy empowers unimaginable, simultaneous functions that human beings are not all psychologically ready to accept.


5 Tips to move beyond intimidation

The vast majority of human beings experience something called initimidation. This is often understood as allowing someone in a perceived position of authority to make you feel less than you are. Consider these ideas to move beyond intimidation and outline stepsto get your life back;

1) Recall Eleanor Roosevelt. This former U.S. first lady is known for this gentle reminder: "nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent." As you opt to be taken in, you give away power.  Rest assured, you can also take it back.

2) Learn to see it for what it is. If someone seems to force you into some behaviour, they do not.  You imagine fear to deter yourself for some underlying reason. The person who appears to coerce or threaten you draws to the surface feelings of inadequacy, insecurity and fear. To be willing to inflate someone's ego mirrors what you do to your own. An egoist is more interested in himself than you.

3) Recognize superiority is overrated. Some people would say superiority and inferiority do not exist. From this perspective, they are imagined states of being based on your level of confidence, shyness or brainwashing. These llusions dissolve the moment you stop believing power matters.

4) Transcend the smoke screen. When someone acts to push you around and you allow emotion to control you, you get distracted by a smokescreen. If you are building a business and taking market share, a competitor may be willing to do anything to regain clients.  As you shift focus to servicing clients and satisfying needs, you learn people who voice threats attract negative energy. Dishonesty does not pay.

5) See the homour in it. As you raise awareness, you begin to realize the mind plays tricks to help you learn. You find yourself so fascinating you permit yourself to get wrapped up in illusion. John Bradshaw says, "Ego is to the true self what a flashlight is to a spotlight." How you behave without knowing why becomes funnier as you evolve to sense mind games. It plays hide and seek to remind you the lighter side of existence.


10 common mistakes & how to avoid them

Some people get drowsy or feel drained at particular times of the day. When do you feel most energetic or grumpy? You may feel prone to certain situations and struggle to grasp why. Consider these ten common mistakes and how to avoid them;

1) Believe mistakes exist. In truth, all experience is valuable and the concept of mistake is misleading. In essence, you convince yourself you have done something incorrect as a distraction from learning. To decide all experience is valuable shifts your focus from the illusive duality of right and wrong.

2) Choose not to pay attention. Deciding not to notice your behaviour suggests apathy or indifference and also possible unconscious motives. Anyone with this mindset is vulnerable to missed opportunities. Choosing to raise self-awareness empowers you to play a more active role in your destiny.

3) Blame circumstances on timing. How you choose to use the time you are given is what determines the nature of your life. If you hesitate to make certain decisions based on assumptionsabout "the right time," then you areunaware this mindset is problematic. Nothing is set in stone, now or ever.

4) Allow emotions to control you. Strong emotions emerge to reflect feelings about security, esteem and self-worth. People do not always realize that intense emotions distort their perception and trigger reactions that can be counter-productive. To shift in meaningful ways, make adjustments. Emotions can guide, but they are not your decision-makers.

5) Raise expectations. Whenever you anxiously await or anticipate things to happen, you forget about presence and get stuck in a future mindset. To heighten your expectations is to strengthen your footfold in the future. This does not help you as much as if you learn to dissolve yens for specific outcomes.

6) Assume you know everything. Pride, shame, fear of humiliation all surface in relation to arrogance. If you only believe you experience the truth, you are not open to receiving energy in form of other people's truths. Lao Tzu also adds, "Without going out-of-doors, one can know all he needs to know. Without even looking out of his window, one can grasp the nature of everything. Without going beyond his own nature, one can achieve ultimate wisdom... without undue exertion."

7) Ignore intuition. Not listening to your inner voice implies you lose touch with reality. Your mind, body and spirit are not consistently aligned. If they are, youhave unwavering faith in your premonitions and gut feelings. Trust in how to apply abilities is the secret of reconnecting to your core self. Unlock your inner door. You hold the key to intuitive understanding.

8) Allow dilemmas to perplex you. When you permit conditions outside yourself to control you, this distracts you from presence. You may be choosing to learn from a particular distraction, but recognizing it for what it is is the beginning of dissolving it. Choose to be solutions-oriented.

9) Be closed-minded. Not opening up keeps you in the dark about your conditions and what you are bound to encounter. To gain insight into what helps and hinders you, just observe whatgoes on around you. Work to transcendlayers of mystery and clarify what makes sense as you learn what not to do.

10) Get caught up in ego. A focus on material goals, external approval or competition suggests you are fixated on self-interest and measurable results. This kind of mindset invites energy imbalances.  Learning about energy healing and alignment is helpful in relation to psychological patterns. You can employ practical techniques to help detach from ego.


5 Ways to recapture the essence of magic

Magic is a topic that evokes all kinds of emotions. Human beings are often at a loss for words to express the power and influence of this concept on their everyday lives. Consider these five ways to recapture the essence of magic now;

1) Magic reflects hindsight. One view invites you to reflect on the evolution of perceived triumphs of modern Science.  Post the seventeenth century, the umbrella of Science absorbed much of what was assumed to be mystical. Magic has become a synonymn for areas of 'imprecise' Science not fully grasped, like astrology, parapsychology, quantum and metaphysics.

2) Magic demystifies nature. Another view suggests magic translates into correspondences among natural phenomena. These include universal laws like polarities, cause and effect, and degrees of energy vibration. Certain mathematical, spatial and multisensual analyses are purported to help control nature. Such unchanging principles help to explain what you are and why you exist. Learning to align and harmonize actions reveals natural abilities you have always had yet, choose to forget.

3) Magic invites confrontation. Another view prompts you to revisit unexplained concepts and the psychology of misunderstanding. Some people prey upon fears, gullibility, and preconditioned beliefs of others. Ask yourself why you would believe or disregard certain happenings that appear to contradict your own conditioning. What prompts you to reduce something that evokes discomfort in you to logical inquiry?

4) Magic explains supernatural miracles. Another view is raises awareness of human abilities to read energy vibration, to employ psychokinesis, telekinesis, and to dialogue with spirit who have passed over. What if your own view of an extraordinary event in the physical world does not surpass all known human or natural powers? What is presumed to be linked to a supernatural cause is a common or normal thing for beings who have reconnected with their inner selves.

5) Magic awakens you to masks of ego. Another view is that magic brings to light the possibility of experiences that contradict and reinforce ego. That is, magic offers a platform to launch fragmented and distorted thinking about illusions through black magic. It also enables you to become more conscious of all your attributes. In the latter, you grow to rise above thought and in the former, you fall beneath it.


13 Illusions to shake up your awareness

Illusions are self-created obstacles to a clearer view of things. Illusions are destined to dissolve as part of learning and unlearning.  This is part of a personal journey that is guided, diverges and finds its way home. Each stage is ultimately a choice. You decide when and where to pause. Your unique view of life is yours alone. You are invited to shatter your own myths.

When a person is ready to question or explore his own deeply entrenched ideas, he may awaken to acknowledge the rigidity of ideas and also shift positions or attitudes. Consider these 13 concepts to ponder and reframe;

1) Ego. Part of the psyche experiences and reacts to the outside world and imagines your self-image into being. To separate yourself from the selves of others and from objects of ego, thought causes you to forget or repress the truth. From the moment ambition is born, you are prompted to quantify it.

2) Money. This takes shape as a piece of paper with random value linkedto numbers. Virtually everyone buys into that idea and allows it to control how they think: what is affordable, enough, desirable, feasible, doable, relative and inconceivable. Currency is a human invention that arose with human motives.

3) Duality. To separate concepts into two parts is a gradual denial of unity or oneness with everything. To envision poverty distracts you from wealth and abundance. Polarities of positive and negative such as good and evil fragment underlying wholeness. As one concept exists, the opposite also exists, even if you do no choose to acknowledge it at this moment.

4) Consolation. From birth, part of you is consoled when you are fed, clothed, and loved. When was the last time you fully trusted all of your needs are met from outside yourself? Faith becomes consolation during trouble. Yet, you imagine issues where none exist and imagine what you require to dissolve it.

5) Comfort. This zone is a view of a degree of tolerance for mediocrity, anxiety, worry, and stress. It also denies what soul whispers. Some people view this as an excuse to stay put, to continue fooling self and everyone of what you need. To lose what you thought you needed shifts focus to what matters. You move away from tangible things that are bought, sold, stolen, burned or bequeathed to uncover other priorities.

6) Form. Your view of the physicality of things is grounded in beliefs. You envision or hear about objects, infer about density, texture and viscosity, without necessarily touching or experiencing them. You visualize shape without seeing and create interpretations of your sense of reality.

7) Beliefs. The focus of your devotion is hidden. It has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness or, level of conscious awareness and deliberate intent. To work in the realms of expectation and assumption creates layers of illusions you come to accept.

8) Fear. There is nothing to fear except your ability to create it. What you anticipate you will gain or lose goes deeper than ideas you access in the mind. This invokes fundamental views about what makes you who you are.  What can you live without? Few people recognize your own misunderstandings.

9) Pride. A high opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority is a view that grows from fears like inadequacy and insecurity. What you think you have or not does not change who you are.  Thinking without complete awareness explains many human issues.  People reflect each others issues, differing only in degree and level of awareness.

10) Effects. Reality is something other than perceived effects, for it is part of the Cause. Beside, over and above, under and behind, all forms of Being, Matter, Energy, Force and Power, is the ever-calm, contentedness. Reconnect to inner knowing grows into absolute trust. This translates into confidence in the goodness and justice of the only Reality that exists.

11) Crisis. When old ways of thinking and doing fall short or no longer satisfy perceived needs, a person may imagine the self is threatened. Behaving as you have done is not necessarily aligned with the natural flow of energy to start with. If you take too much without giving back, this creates imbalance. A sense of urgency draws attention to issues of survival.

12) Armageddon.  It is said a final battle involving good and evil will occur before the end of the world. Another way to view significant energy movement and upheavals is to concede former consciousness is dissolving on a wide scale. Such a view helps explain geographic, environmental and climatic shifts that might otherwise be viewed as a domino effect toward catastrophe.  Life-changing transition is imminent. How you understand it is grounded in perception.

13) Perception. If you agree your outer reality reflects your level of inner understanding, then indecision or turbulance speaks volumes.  How you come to recognize and grasp each experience is based not on superficial human senses, but on deeper awareness.  Answers do not always emerge in the form of words.  Letting go of ways you sense the world is an act of growth that dissolves dogma and resistance and brings you face to face with something indescribable.

"If the structures of the human mind remain unchanged, we will always end up re-creating fundamentally the same world, the same evils, the same dysfunction." -Eckhart Tolle