7 Things you can do during dream yoga

As you explore astral dreaming, you may decide to experiment with dream yoga. If you hesitate, then you may wonder whether this is for you or, whether you do it already. On your journey to the next level, you have nothing to fear but fear itself.
Tibetans describe dream yoga as the original or basic state of lucid dreaming. They are historic masters at awakening their consciousness during dreams. Astral projecting is when you become aware of an out-of-body experience (OBEs). As you gain more conscious control of OBEs, you can become lucid.
Many methods exist to discipline the mind, deliberately induce OBEs and lucidity. As you contemplate whether this experience would appeal, or select among ones to share as comments, consider five things you can learn to do during dream yoga;
1) Manifest physical things-Based on your perception, you create external, objective physical things, and the internal, subjective physical things. Sights, sounds, smells, tastes and sensations are the external or objective physical things. The five base senses are the subjective of internal physical things.
2) Discriminate among feelings& shift recognition. You choose to experience positive, negative or indifferent energy. Then, you shift to identify particular things. This mental recognition exercise moves from unconscious to conscious. You bring the process to the surface and become observer.
3) Explore different planes. You visualize a particular place in all its detail and go there, whether you have heard of it and visited there before or whether your imagination conjured an image from somewhere. Your mind sharpens the texture.
4) Dialogue with enlightened beings- You interact with beings of higher awareness on dream planes and different levels of awareness. You only release what you learn into conscious awareness when these beings sense you are ready.
5) Meet with other sentient beings- When you mobilize your mind, you can actually intend to meet other sentient beings in designated places. That is, while your physcial body is at rest, your astral body can be directed elsewhere. Its also possible to explore other dimensions, realms, and bodies and log them all.
6) Unpack your paradoxes. You evolve to realize all conditioned ideas in waking life are lying to and about the awareness that knows them. You await your own soul-level process of conscious awakening, trigger a domino effect and watch. Then move beyond the watcher.
7) Dissolve or transcend the dream states. As you detach consciously from the physical body (recognize you are lucid) and detach from the dreaming mind (become observer to your dream within dream), then you move to observe the purest form of conscious awareness. This is that level where you become aware of an emptiness and become aware of the nature and dimensions of the reality behind everything. Opportunities exist to move through many levels of dream states.
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