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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in enlightenment (17)


Love opens more than senses

This love meditation invites you to open more than perceived senses. What if every experience, every choice, is the best? Share a vision of love in your scope.  How does it enable you to connect with aspects of true self you temporarily forget?


What happens through grace?

Some people ask how to describe a state of divine connection. Direct experience speaks for itself in ways words cannot. You may wonder how Spirit operates and regenerates through you. This relates Soul and Spirit.

If you sense truth is felt, grace may present as overflowing kindness, impulsive generosity and an unending flow of accurate information you tap into through gratitude. Maybe you shift to non-doing or realize what it means to just be.

Grace flows freely.  As you start to recognize your self-created illusions and lose interest in them, you starve them of attention.  They can only fizzle.  As you awaken from another layer of the dream, you feel joy and revelations like ;

1) enlightenment is here and now unless you resist it.

2) thinking about and analyzing questions becomes meaningless.

3) cravings and illusions are generated by an active, ego-mind.

4) a shift of focus to inner power is imminent.

5) neural circuitry of the brain is re-organizing.

6) feedback loops and karma dissolve along with views of a separate self.

7) energy frequency enables you to feel more present.

8) you peel away layers of human interpretation.

9) neurobiological pathways shift, re-align and stabilize.

10 ) senses sharpen and all expanding faculties to reveal themselves.

"Grace isn't a little prayer you chant before receiving a meail.  Its a way to live."
-Jackie Windspear

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