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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in desire (20)


Going with it

At a certain point, the urge to behave in certain ways, to seek, desire, do as before, suddenly subsides. 

Without our seeking, knowing arises.  It dawns the whole universe is only one soul. The trees and the birds and the animals, and all that is living, has a universal soul.  Going with it is the flow, guides one to being that flow. First one rides the wave, then one is the wave. True nature is always here but we play hide and seek until ready to find the truth within ourselves.  Nothing and everything is as it is.


Stop postponing the inevitable

Notice as consciousness expands, the moment arises when it feels right to stop postponing what evokes discomfort. Allow yourself to feel deeply and do the things you resist. Show yourself directly that underlying fear is unfounded.
Patience is alert, conscious. Postponement is subconscious resistance, a double-bind: you want to act and yet, you hesitate, tell yourself you not ready. The mind is very clever. You want to meditate, to close a chapter in your life, leave a job, move, but a voice within says, “later, tomorrow, when X happens.” We make time for priorities. Now is the right time. The future is uncertain. If you really want, act. Why not? If you postpone sharing your feelings and affection with people due to fear of rejection, or lack of reciprocity, this lso has consequences.
Is fear reinforced or strengthened by postponing something? When something is pivotal, and your desire is intense, then you will not waste a single moment. You will postpone everything else, but you do that. You postpone only that which is not significant, or, you allow fear control you. One part of mind says, “Yes, it is important.” Another part of mind says, “Yes, it is important, but later.” What is really going on here? How do we give power away? How do we reclaim it?
Consider what you postpone and what you prioritize. How you spend money, mental and physical energy, time, speaks volumes. Spiritual practices are often postponed in favor of that which enriches the body, materialism, appearances. Anger, greed, hatred, negativity tend to flow quickly. Outbursts happen. You may say, “I’m coming!” and yet doddle or not show up at all. Ask where you show up for yourself. When insults come, many people do not say, “Tomorrow I will be angry;” Yet, gestures of self- love or finding peace within are often postponed.
In a nutshell, postponement points to how we are dishonest with ourselves. Watch inside yourself, at what you have been postponing, and you will find that all that is beautiful you have been postponing. Note water flows when it is allowed to flow freely. Seeds will sprout in season, but the seeds must be sown. Otherwise they will not sprout. Which seeds do you hesitate to plant in your own life? Or, what follow-up behaviour is required to blossom into more of your true being?



Listen to the Soul

On the surface, we may appear poor and aspire to get something different, something more. Yet, only a rich person can be poor. This 'rich' is not about money. Material riches are not true wealth. If ambition remains, we are poor. What we have or do not have is not the point. When we have enough, desire and dissatisfaction disappear. The vanishing of desire is the meaning of "enough". An analogy can be made with fears we adopt. The letting go of fears is a way to expand spiritual wealth, which allows other kinds of abundance to flow freely.

Spiritual wealth is an intangible kind of richness. To nourish spiritual richness is not about going to church or adopting a particular faith or religion. Its about living by universal principles. It is about qualities and experiences that nourish love, respect and acceptance, trustworthiness, honesty, truthfulness, peace of mind, compassion, contentment, honour, playfulness, love and spontaneity. If we do not embody a reservoir of spiritual wealth, then no amount of money or material gain can make us happy. Spiritual wealth guides us to live in integrity with intuition, the voice of inner wisdom. It guides us to our own source of happiness which is then mirrored energetically in the external.

In light of global upheavals, many people fear uncertainty, fear losing points of reference, find themselves hesitating to move forward in a soul-guided way. We are taught to doubt ourselves, question our ability to survive, question how we can continue living in the lifestyle we have been even if we give parts of it up. The prospect of stepping outside the familliar triggers deep wounds, issues or patterns of our respective lineages or unseen blocks.

If we choose to listen to the soul, when we put up an emotional wall, this is an soul-guided invitation to decode and dismantle it to grow as a soul. Facing fear is the process of rediscovering true unlimited richness inside ourselves. It is part of taking full and complete responsibility for our role in creating where we are and all our conditions or accepting them. Its knowing all is possible. Making choices that whole-heartedly put inner knowing into practice is art of letting go, creating new Soul guided relationships and conditions as realities



Manifest a new timeline

(Image: sacred geometry 792 by Endre Balogh)
Notice as we identify our desired vibrational state, consistently shift into this, we amplify and strengthen it, create a new reality. As we stabiilize a coherent emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude for the emerging reality, we accelerate it coming to be. The first two steps involve our sovereign will. We choose a timeline and matching vibration. The third step is locking in the vibrational state. To do so, we focus on natural capacity. open channels to feel.
This simple act of appreciating, or feeling gratitude, for the new timeline catalyzes its reality in ways mind cannot grasp. The next step requires our sovereign will again. We must persevere, hold the vision of the new timeline and the vibrational state, no matter what our senses echo. This is the passage where many fail.
The manifesting of a new timeline into 3-D reality requires ability to accumulate and hold energy. If we persist in holding the vision of the new timeline, with the vibrational field (or feeling of it), along with gratitude for it already existing, we build up energy. The task here is to be true to our vision while paying attention to what the current reality is showing us. It is not about pretending. It is about facing reality as it presents itself in our scope while holding a higher vision. In essence, we deal with life's current reality while holding the vision of a different life. Its like existing on one world while simultaneously creating and shifting into another. This is the art.



Find what you long to know

The ultimate truth about life, why you exist, why you do anything, why you consult a coach even, is at the tip of your nose. The most obvious is the hardest to see because your senses are oriented outward.  They take in information and activate mental analysis and judgment.

For some, shifting inward is a process. For others, this shift occurs much quicker. When you make investments on the outer world, it can be easy to forget another way of seeing, the natural way of seeing.

What if you view life as an opportunity? What kinds of opportunities come to you? Do you sense something is here that you are also not yet seeing? Is this the source of restlessness?

Uncluttered intelligence or clear seeing.  This is not identifying with anything in particular. Knowing the inner dimension comes naturally without interference (beliefs and fears) that bring(s) confusion. It is recognizing and letting go of beliefs that the mind struggles with.

Longing to know something shifts your attention away from yourself.

Love is not something you are or fall in, it is something you are.  The key to opening the auric field so mind and consciousness work together.  Regardless of the goals you think you have, the revelations that follow are already shifting perception, desire and sense of reality.