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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in spirit (44)


7 Ways to work with the Law of Cause and Effect

Notice the universal law of cause and effect states that every action in the universe produces an equal and opposite reaction.  Some call this flow of energy "karma."  Others claim karma does not exist.  Reflect on 7 Ways to work with the Law of Cause and Effect.  Be are you travelling?

1.     Identify heavy energy

Be clear on the nature of your actions and their consequences that lock you in undesirable circumstances.  This requires making the unconscious, conscious and integrating the soul teachings. Be aware where you feel stuck or stagnant and reflect on the obstacles.

2.     Distance from incompatible people & situations

Life is complicated by those who are unable or unwilling to change.  Create distance from relationships that drain you.  Discover how much lighter you feel.  Stress will go away that was not yours to begin with.

3.     Be accountable to yourself

Once you recognize where you went astray, you are empowered to shift patterns.  Energy shifts in new directions.  Examine your past choices. Recognize making newer, more conscious choices is now.

4.     Do what nourishes your spirit

To feel drawn to something deep within you is to know intuitively this path is meant to revitalize you.  Focus energy on what makes you feel useful and valuable, allow it to nurture you.  One avenue is using dreams as a tool to get in touch with deeper meaning and life diractions. Contact us about dream work and our Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course.

5.     View vulnerabilities as strengths

See that apparent weaknesses or patterns are teachers and pointers to resilience and opportunities for soul growth.  Be open to power of an open heart, how this profoundly connects you to deep truth.

6.     Take responsibility

Follow intuition to modify behaviours that are not serving you and the greater good.  Accept that we cannot change others, only how we respond.  Let go of old ways or behaviours that you outgrow.  Take the process of   personal responsibility to a whole new level. Be bold, daring! Join our 3 month Radical Responsibility course.

7.     Practice Gratitude 

The energy of gratitude lifts us out of the vibration of stuckness or negative energy.  This focuses us instead in the creative flow so we can concentrate on allowing the blessings and talents of who we are to flow, rather than attempting to fix illusions of who we are not.  


Recall the Truth of Yoga

Image: visionary sacred geometry by David Diamondheart
Notice social media leads many people to assume yoga is about challenging postures and physical fitness. As it happens, yoga is not really about bending and twisting the body, holding breath, mudras. Much of yoga images in popular culture overlook the surface is a pointer. Yoga itself is a path, timeless technology. It guides us to a state where reality reveals itself through us. We come to ground what is larger than us, cosmic consciousness, the innate connection of mind, body, spirit. It is not about hiding self-rejection, seeking to be what we are not already. It is a journey of surrender, love, acceptance.
In fact, it dawns, every subatomic particle in the body is always interacting with everything else in the universe. If this cosmic flow stops, we cease to exist. So, yoga is to know the union of existence by direct experience. We gain insight during meditation until existence itself is a state of meditation and altered states are what we experience when we forget or move away from the vibration of yoga. To hear “God is everywhere,” or “Everything is one energy,” is heresay until awakening. We are each a 1000 petal lotus or golden flower opening to the Truth.
As we practice yoga, we start at the point of harmony or disharmony we are vibrating in mind, body and spirit. The breath guides us into presence in this moment. Yoga is the process of moving towards an experiential reality where one knows the ultimate nature of existence, how it forms, shifts, changes, that one is an intricate part. The term 'Yoga' implies a complete path in and of itself. It is like the hero's journey, coming full circle, letting go of beliefs, all you outgrow.
So, some observe yoga is about breaking patterns, cycles, building flexibility, getting fit, liberating ourselves from the limitation of memory. These views certainly have value. People may initially find yoga as it offers health benefits, is a means to reduce stress, balance biochemistry. Its physical and mental benefits are well-known. One can experience remarkable changes, know peace, joy, feel more balanced, even accelerate rehabilitation from injury. And there are many people who miraculously heal from chronic ailments in part from yoga. And yet, none of it is the essential nature of yoga.
The basic point of Yoga is to shift life experience from ego-driven pursuits to an all-inclusive, soul-guided one. Instead of being an individual, we come to feel part of an ongoing universal process. The result of shifts in consciousness blows the mind away.
In the ancient ways of yoga teaching, the physical dimensions of yoga were presented as aligning this human system to cosmic geometry. To be in perfect alignment removes friction. Internal friction means you are working against yourself; you are an issue or in conflict with yourself. So long as inner tug of war exists, peace seems out of reach. Everything is stressful. As you commit to more worldly pursuits, challenges multiply endlessly.
Turns out, comic wisdom echoes our own body, mind, emotions and energy work with us, not against us. As these four aspects are aligned, suddenly this body- mind creates miracles beyond our wildest dreams. What for us is normal, ordinary, appears extraordinary or superhuman. Whether it is business, personal , physical or other endeavours, our level of efficiency, deep understanding and flow magnify based on power of intention. Truth is, the key to everything is aligning with sacred geometry of existence. It all comes back to vibrating in harmony with cosmic symbols.

Expand to transform existence

Notice our lives transform as we expand consciousness. This requires we be open to new things, like responding differently to the same people and familiar situations, and using expanded insights to understand the mind, thoughts and behaviours differently.
At a pivotal moment, it hits that physical sensations and restlessess are gifts we give ourselves. They gently point to what we have been ignoring. Suddenly, conditioning is seen to reflect our outdated ideas of reality. When we act based on expectation, based on what we are taught we are supposed to work toward, we ignore the heart. As we identify less with the external, and begin to look inward, solitude guides shifts in priorities and perception. How we spend time grows congruent with what matters in the heart. We distinguish between sex and love, between superficial and real power. We are more sensitive, allow ourselves to feel more deeply, to cry, explore pain we used to repress, openly express creative impulses, share vulnerability and forge true connections.
The moment arisess when we suddenly understand how we relate to life, to physicality, sexual energy, creativity, ourselves. We begin to empathize, sense what others feel. It dawns what it is to be a human being, a true friend and neighbour, confidante. We grow value- driven, make decisions aligned with the soul. It begins with consciously shaping our thoughts and emotions, to carve out the soul path. We grow as we practice mindfulness, that every thought and action is shaping the direction of our life. This is about swallowing pride, letting go of all that blocks love.
This is the moment we stop seeking external acceptance, and start to live as our trueself. We begin to offer service based on innate urges to give, enrich the world and exchange in balance. Devoted practices and pursuits lead ego concerns to diminish. We begin to manifest our spiritual being in the physical and in our relationships.
At this very moment, that split between the external world and the spiritual realm grows clear and the incongruence of that double life is obvious. We are in the world but no longer feel part of it. We grow adept at passing between spiritual and physical realities and transfer insights between worlds. It dawns we naturally adapt to situations but always act from the Higher Self.
At the same time, we meditate more often, see into conflicts and offer genuine guidance from our own direct experience. Living from spirit and being grounded is key. One tunes into emotional connection with all living creatures. One understands what lies in the hearts of people, one feels their pain and know sharing one's truth is what heals everything.
To express our spirit physically, is to be uninhibited by negative feelings or judgments of self or others, to be affectionate with overwhelming warmth and emotional connection. Barriers between the ego and the collective dissolve. This goes beyond recognition of connection with "others." We begin to feel the symbiotic connection with all of creation. We grow aware of energies and realize that all feeling, thought, and action is based on vibrations or frequencies of energy. We see that master the energy we channel changes everything.
This is the point where it dawns that heart energy transforms thoughts and perception as well as all we meet. As each of us no longer identifies as an individual being with ego concerns, there is nothing to become and we are one with the universe. Sense of self and ego boundaries dissolve. Sense of existence is completely transforming from the inside out until boundaries are no more.

Consciousness is the secret

Notice the nature of the individual spiritual journey is determined by our level of consciousness, not by anything external. Guides may arise at different stages, but they are simply different versions of you. The mental or intellectual part of us is taught to seek a path that is as easy, as quick and as simple as possible. Deeper Being recognizes love and devotion are dimensions of intelligence. Being devoid of or forgetting self, this is devotion. Impatience or sense of time do not come into it. You lose yourself in the flow of what which nourishes joy, aliveness. Focusing in this field shifts vibrations and draws attention to cosmic doorways. Allowing trust and surrender to take the helm lights for all Paths and directions.


Shift from Fear to Love

(Image of Heart Reef, Whitsundays, Qld, Australia)

Notice making a conscious shift from Fear to Love is choosing to let go of any sense of feeling helpless or incomplete. Telling yourself you need fixing or improving creates internal friction and frustration and blocks natural energetic flows. The key is to grow aware and let go of the lies you are conditioned to tell yourself and believe. Allow deeper Truth to reveal itself. Rewire the brain. Replace old habits, beliefs and feelings with new ones aligned with higher frequencies of love nd acceptance. Transmute your fears and redirect energy using your own internal fire. Grow in spirit. Learn to trust intuition implicitly to guide you and superconscious co-creation. Know that all is possible. Open the mind to quantum shifts in consciousness.