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Entries in entrepreneur (2)


Dale Beaumont & interview to inspire dreams 

Dale Beaumont is a young Australian whose incredible energy and prolific writing inspire others to reconnect with their own inner passion.

After reading about him and hearing The Creative Penn Podcast with Joanna, I approached him to share insight about what makes him tick. He collaborates to empower people to write their own way to success.

Dale, when did life truly begin for you?

Sydney, Australia, June 1981. That's when I was born.

After highschool, you wrote, The World at Your Feet. That set the stage for the dream you live through the 'Secrets Exposed' series. Sketch some highlights;

The first book released into stores in November 2005. By late 2007, I told Growth Business Magazinea total of 15 ‘Secrets Exposed’ books had been released, and 200,000 copies sold. Incredibly, 11 of those 15 books were published in 2007.

You marvel readers with such accomplishments. Which 5 things most influnce or inspire you?

1. My wife Katherine. She has a great business brain and always knows the right thing to say at the right time.

2. Meeting the hundreds of inspiring people who are part of the ‘Secrets Exposed’ book series.

3. Being an elite Gymnast 7 years and having a great coach who always let me know I was capable of achieving more.

4. Being involved in Network 21, a training company that offers great seminars in personal and leadership development.

5. Working with teenagers – they never cease to amaze me with their creative spirit and desire to make a difference.

Why create the 'Secrets Exposed' series? I mean, what is the real purpose or motivation behind this project?

Its about helping people to get up-close and personal with highly-successful individuals, providing a medium to discover inspirational stories, what drove them to achieve and how they approach challenges in life and business.

People we admire started in exactly the same place. The vast majority didn’t come from privileged backgrounds. They had very rocky roads with misadventures and personal obstacles.

High-achievers take the time to really think about what they want, and then don’t compromise and sell out when things get a little tough. Also, successful people commit to continual growth. They understand the power of simple positive steps.

That insight really hits home for a lot of people. Its commonto be confused about why you are not in a situation like someone you admire. You suggest everyone is exactly where he needs to be now.

As it happens, my next book covers 730 inspirations to help readers realize they are awakening skills inside based on who they admire. 365 Daily reflections offer glimpses into mentors' lives according to theme, my connection and universal lessons. As you imply, we learn from each other, based on remaining open and creating opportunity.

In any event, what brought you to your current mindset in your own writing process?

While working with teenagers, I always sayonly two ways exist to live – one is through ‘trial & error’ and the other is by ‘following a recipe’. I discovered that whatever you want, chances are, someone is already living it. They have already invested the time, effort, and moneyto succeed. So sure, you can go out and do it all yourself or, you can find someone who already has results and ask him to share what he has learnt.

How would you describe your view of 'success?'

For me, success is; Balance, Happiness and Impact.

Firstly, there are many different facets to a person’s life. It is a waste of time being a multi-millionaire if you’re unhealthy, your marriage is in taters, you have a poor relationship with your kids and you do nothing for your community – really, what is the point. I believe that for a person to be truly successful they must take some time to focus on each aspect of their life. It doesn’t mean every area needs to be a perfect 10 (nobody’s is), however it is important to keep things balanced and in the right perspective.

Secondly, people need to focus on doing things that are going to make them happy. Don’t wait because weeks quickly become months and months quickly become years! Maybe it is a dream holiday with the family, taking up a sport or hobby or time with special friends. Remember this saying, “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.”

Thirdly, at the end of our lives, I believe that we should be able to say ‘I gave more to the world than I took from it’. So for me, making a difference and having an impact on people is an important thing. And I really see the things that I am doing now as just the beginning.

Where is the 'Secrets Exposed' series expanding?

The series has expanded into Asia already– specifically the markets of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei. Then, there is New Zealand.  Of course, I can’t take the soul credit. It really has been a team effort.

One hears popular seminars have developed out of these books, but tell us about the business.

Outside of the ‘Secrets Exposed’ books and seminars, we have continued to grow our first business, Tomorrows Youth International, and I set up a new website ( to show people how to successfully make money with their own book ideas.

In a nutshell, what do you recommend to people who are on their own path to creating success?

Nothing happens overnight.

After school, I attended loads of personal development seminars. After 9 months of earning and learning, I established my first business called Tomorrows Youth. Three years later, I created the Secrets Exposed series.

Everyone is a mentor

I didn’t really have a single coach or mentor in early days of my business. I had a whole host of people that I could call on when I needed help. That was one of the great things about attending lots of seminars, you get to meet a lot of people – all with their own area of expertise. I honestly had over 100 meetings in that first year of business. It was the best business education I could have received.


Expect setbacks

My first year of business, I was 19 and naive. I didn’t really have any fear. I think I was running on pure adrenaline. Having the support of my best friend, as my business partner, was pretty cool. Thankfully, I am blessed with good self-esteem and I am highly confident in my abilities. I always asking people for help and take lots of action.

Thanks Dale. Your insight is timeless and energy catching. As the Managing Director of Dream Express International Pty. Ltd., you offer a wealth of wisdom.  We are grateful to learn from this experience and feel inspired to stretch ourselves. I encourage readers to consult these websites and the 'Secrets Exposed' books.  Dale is also on Twitter.


7 things every entrepreneur must know

If you have never been an entrepreneur and have been contemplating this path, it is helpful to recognize the process is full of wake up calls. You have opportunities to redefine freedom yet, nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could.

My own experience is life-transforming on many levels. This involves overcoming obstacles in different countries and gaining priceless insight into myself and what is possible. Consider seven things every entrpreneur must know;

1) Dissolve the entitlement attitude. When you work for someone, you are conditioned to believe you deserve a certain wage or salary and are paid for time and effort. Entrepreneurs learn it is necessary to invest selflessly without measuring time. You reap benefits later based on what you sow now.

2) Book writing serves you. To compile abook is a great exercise when a business model prompts you to network for content and promotion. You can compile ebooks, physical books,  pamphlets or booklets with multiple purposes in mind. You are a creator. Deliberately shift to make it conscious.

3) Everyone is an entepreneur-in-training. Regardless of your source(s) of income, all you do is basically aimed at building self-confidence. Life is an exercise in learning to get re-aquainted with the self. In order to prove to others you are capable, you must first effectively be convinced of your own self-worth and acceptance. Every effort to dialogue with soul and the external world stretches you into new territory.

4) Faith and trust come from within. You create your schedule, your mindset, your attitude and decide what, when, how and why. All of that motivates you from inside. Reconnect with your core motivation and you realize all reasons why you do what you do, are inside, waiting to be harnessed.

5) Freedom comes with responsibility.  Being your own boss, you decide what to do and when. Self-discipline helps.  People can justify anything from procrastination to workaholism.  Somewhere in this spectrum exists the healthy, peaceful Middle Way. Inkings of what to do emerge before ideas of how to it. Consciously engage in the process.

6) Doing what is right is crucial. Some people view business as an extended exercise in ethics training. A person cannot predict all scenarios, all human personalities and situations encountered. Doing what is right is not always equated with doing what is easy. Soul always guides choices that maintain a clear conscience.

7)Seen and unseensources of support exist. The game of life has no map or recipe to guarantee particular outcomes from events. What matters is to know whatever path you are on, guidance is constant and perpetual. People have taken your chosen path before you and others are on the way. Its always possible to reach out to seen and unseen sources of wisdom. How and when you sense or explain them, is up to you.