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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in fear (153)


The moment is now

The world you have come to sense as your own is not as it appears.  The moment is now to recognize beyond prevailing beliefs and convictions.  They are not you.  The present permits you to sense beyond the limits you create.

More important than what is when you are ready.  Reality is created by neuro chemical signals.  You may be convinced what you see, hear, touch, taste and small create determines reality.  Yet, it all comes down to energy you discern, perceive and interpret.  What are you in the process of now?

1) Gaining greater awareness of timeless reality.

2) Verifying an internal sense of immortality.

3) Sensing accelerated evolution & development.

4) Realizing mind is only part of what makes things real. 

5) Experiencing multiple dimensions more consciously.

6) Bending & breaking rules that shatter conditioning.

7) Obtaining personal answers through remembering.

8) Expanding self-respect, responsibility and acceptance.

9) Moving beyond believeving to experience knowing.

10) Choosing to free the mind of doubt, fear & disbelief.



Its your choice

Every thought you create, every word you use, every sensation you feel, you can break it down to discern how you lean toward either faith or fear.  Neither is visible to human senses unless you believe in it. Are you ready to embrace your true power?

As part of a process of awakening, you are invited to reach deep inside to uncover strength you temporarily forget you have.  This draws attention to lessons at hand.  Take responsibility for your life and there is nobody to blame.

Every moment, your being emits energy.  This energy reveals your character, karma and state of mind.  You choose to be aware of this energy and your ability to shift it or not.   To be in a group means your energy affects the group dynamic and the energy around you can affect your own energy vibration. 

You decide to focus on moments of sadness and pain that apparently grip the soul, or not. You decide to sense a meaningful message in every experience, to reconnect with inner peace, or not.  You choose to feel completely lost and view uncertainy with fear or, you recognize you are divinely guided and nurture faith or deeper insight.  Feel the energy. 

Only you know your energy intimately.  Only you can trigger your own revelations about where you are and why. Only you can ask the questions that reconnect you with your underlying purpose right now.  You choose answers to appease ego or timeless spirit.  The heart centre invites you to reconnect now.


Share what U choose

To travel to places unfamiliar or familiar is always an opportunity to raise new levels of awareness. This moment is a chance for you to share an experience that expands the way you view self and the world.  Share an expeience that initially distressed or scared you and how you chose to rise above it.  Which meaningful lessons to you gain about love?


See through the fear

Ask yourself what you sense when you hear the word, 'safe.'  What does it entail? Perhaps you imagine the feeling that the heart is totally fulfilled and all is well. Perhaps the mind suggests this is a mental understanding that you are free from danger or threat.  Somewhere, in the deepest part of oneself, unwavering security is.   

Consider what enables you to feel free from worry and what forces or situations trigger it. Notice common threads or patterns. What prevents you from experiencing an unwavering sense of security? What if mind is the start and end of fear? How does it resonate to begin to see though your own self-constructed illusions?

"Whomever can see through all fear will always be safe." -Tao Te Ching


7 Ways to heal wounded ego

As a person comes to realize he has an ego, he also comes to realize that a healing process in ongoing in order to liberate the soul.  This process may seem to require multiple lifetimes and experiences.  Even now, you are making choices to acknowledge where you stand and expanding beyond that. 

Part of you may be asking what you can do to engage more consciously in this healing process.  You may not be fully aware of what is happening or how the unconscious mind is gently helping the self to awaken and manage the changes.  Consider these 7 ways to help heal the wounded ego;

1) Choose to attune to what occurs in mind, body and spirit.

2) Pay special attention to how you feel and what you deny.

3) Grow aware of vulnerability & why you suppress thought. 

4) Notice inhibition and find the courage to overcome fear.

5) Take responsibility for your choices and act with integrity.

6) Detach from thoughts and emotions that hold you back.

7) Be aware of possibilities & express true self more freely.