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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in fear (153)


Everything comes full circle

Many people focus on the sensation of fear and are unsure what to make of this. You may not realize that how you think and feel creates the life you lead.  Everything comes full circle. Consider revelations triggered insidec you by this Zen tale:

A man was running from a tiger, and he came to a cliff. He began climbing down a vine, hoping that the tiger could not follow him down and he could thereby escape. As he was on his way down, however, he spied a second tiger waiting for him at the bottom of the cliff. As he hung there on the vine, wondering what to do, he saw a rat begin to chew through the top of the vine.

Then he spied a strawberry, just in arm's reach. He reached out, plucked the berry, and ate it. It was the most sweet and succulent berry he had ever tasted. He closed his eyes and tasted the berry with his whole being, and said aloud, "what a wonderful berry this is!"

Then the rat finished chewing through the vine and the man fell to the ground, breaking his leg. With his leg broken, he could not run. The tiger on the ground came up to him and batted him around as kittens do mice, giving him one painful cut after another. One swipe tore out his left eye. Eventually the tiger tired of playing with him, and bit a large chunk out of the man's stomach for its dinner.

The man went into shock, the pain of the wound coursing through his entire body. But he did not die: he hung on to life for five more days as the two tigers (who, it turned out, were mates) used him as a source of food. His mind was dulled by shock, but not enough to keep the fear and pain from filling his world like a bright light. After five days of agony unlike any that can be described, he finally died.

His corpse continued to serve as a food source for the tigers for several more days. After that, the rat that had chewed through the vine came to gnaw on what was left of his bones.


How does mood alter everything?

The following is an excerpt from Awakening the Eagle: A Guide to the Medicine Wheel by Ralph P. Brown (Tawennihake). He is offering an interview for this blog to be posted nearby soon. 

Three men who sat on top of the same mountain, but at different times, were asked to describe it when they came down.

The first man said, "It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  It was breath-taking."

The second man said, "I was scared to death because it was so high! I was lucky not to fall off!"

And finally, the third man said, "It was so lonely.  I have never felt to isolated and alone."

  • Three men
  • Three perceptions of the same thing
  • Three answers

But only one mountain.  The mountain is what the mountain is.  In truth, none of the perceptions is imposed on it by these three men.  The mountain is a mountain and only the way people see it differs. Different moods cause different outlooks.


How to break the vicious cycle

Your current relationships may not be the dream you have in mind. Part of you may not be aware that you have the power to break the vicious cycle of situations.  They exist to awaken you to new ways of thinking, feeling and understanding self. As you ready to make positive changes, consider these tips;

1) Realize you are in the midst of a vicious cycle.  When relationships evoke discomfort, the common thread is you.

2) Cease blaming others for your negative emotions. Learn to grasp root causes and heal triggers of these signals. 

3) Take responsibility.  If dialogue, commitment, or compromise do not come easily, what does it tell you about hidden fear? How can you reframe everything for the better?

4) Use patterns as a guide for self-acceptance.  If you focus on appearances, this suggests low esteem, inadequacy and ego-based misperceptions that do not serve you.

5) The answer is always love.  Only by loving and accepting all of you as you are now do you invite soul love.


Tap into the teacher within

Human beings are often socially- conditioned to seek outside themselves for answers. They request guidance from religious leaders, counsellors, therapists, New Age Seers and other perceived experts, for insight they choose not to find within.

Now, every person you meet is helpful to you based on your beliefs and what you hope to learn. Every connection has meaning and purpose.  When you choose to sense it, everyone and everything is a teacher who encourages you to draw the best out of yourself.  Regardless of who you consult and your apparent conditions, you have internal work to do for yourself.

Its a milestone to reach a point where you are willing to acknowledge fear or face reasons for discomfort of any kind.  Self-honesty and raising awareness do not come easily to everyone. Be gentle with the self.  Write yourself a letter. This need not intimidate you with the requirement of a journal, but you can choose to do that too.  Begin with these questions;

1) How do you describe happiness? Do you feel it now?

2) Which experiences enrich you, add meaning to your life?

3) What do you believe you deserve? How do you prevent it?

4) Why do you sense a crossroads? Which lessons beckon?

5) Which situation(s) are you ready to let go of forever?

6) How would the inner voice answer for your subconscious?


Reach inside for the key

Analysis of dream submitted by P.

Dream- Herse driver stands on a beach beside trailer towing a dingy.  A man, woman and child leave in a larger boat. Driver waves goodbye, then, realizes he does not have a certain key. He drives a distance along the water and keeps family in sight. He heads them off where they have to pass closer to shore. Driver waves his arms to get their attention. The man comes ashore in relatively calm water. He jumps off the boat, gives a key and returns to family. Driver opens trunk and uses key to open the casket. He puts something inside. Then, he tries to run, but feels paralyzed and cannot move.

Name three key issues you grapple with now in waking life:

1) When to have children
2) Legal obstacles prevent freedom to travel
3) Family health issues (life and death matter)

Notice what stands out:

The herse driver represents endings and new beginnings. He transports a casket that symbolically contains something you have outgrown or no longer need. Part of you resists lessons available to help you move on. Deciding to appreciate where you are helps you to sense reasons to stop struggling. If the mind focuses on something or somewhere you are not, you miss the value of just being and opportunity to surrender.

To feel immobilized suggests your unconscious desires are not yet aligned or 'in-sync' with current conscious wishes. When ego mind imagines fear and soul echoes love, this can result in confusion. Misunderstandings about imortality trigger physical experience that humbles you and offer new insight.

Helpful people or guides are never out of reach. Your intution directs you to what you need. This includes family, support systems or, the appropriate moment for certain biological and other life choices. Your thoughts and emotions create your life. Boats symbolize coping mechanisms at your disposal. 

Part of you is ready and willing to confront the unconscious and whatever frightens you. That part is shifting your sense of reality and what is possible. If you are not completely honest with yourself and others about what you really want and how you feel, then you permit fear to control you and obscure truth.