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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in freedom (102)


Awaken the wizard inside

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada.

Dream- I stood before a man in a cloak with a long white beard and mustache. In outward appearance, he reminded me of Gandalf (from Lord of the Rings) or Albus Dumbledore (from Harry Potter). He sat in lotus position. His cloak had two golden lines that joined at a point at the area of his sternum. In the air in front of him, he focused on 4 multi-dimensional shapes floated parallel and rotated: a sphere, a cube, a star and a cone. Each shape was a solid primary color, then slowly grew transparent.

Interpretation-  (This is a glimpse of a longer analysis)

The sternum draws attention to the heart. All answers you seek are found here.  That is, "the point" or centre of all perceived worlds.  Life transitions take shape as your evolving reality appears out of thin air.  The flow of ideas and feelings inside is simply energy concentrated where you focus attention. 

Conditioned humans are "square" or limited in their thoughts.  The being is unlimited.  When your attention is filtered through the human mind, you tell yourself what is not possible unless you deliberately choose to think "outside-the-box."  As the shapes shift position, this invites yo uto appreciate multiple vantage points.  Be open to expand sensory perception.  Allow intuition to flow more freely to guide you. The presence of the lotus reminds you that the essence of being is enlightened.  No need for any 'hocus pocus.'

Primary colors invite you to get back to basics.  What the mind presumes is important is often irrelevant.  Thus, it can be easy to permit the self to get distracted on situations that evoke negative emotions. Every choice is part of a process.  You hypnotize the mind or engage in trance as you create a life.  

Magicians and wizards harness inner power effectively and prompt your growing creativity.  Messages that are confiddent, encourageing and wise remind you to listen to intuition and be open to self-mastery. As you grow self-aware and begin to hone untapped skills, stages of disillusionment present. This helps you stay humble and see different sides to a given situation. Being honest and open allows you to enter the heart of stillness and commune with life itself.  Turn inward.  Unlock the wizard within.  Glimpse real freedom.


Release the guilt

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada.

Dream: I was in a second floor of dank prison with a soundproof door and walls. The window had bars to a colorless, dirt courtyard. A dark man in my room squeezed through the bars to escape into fresh air. I felt this person was guilty of a crime, but I resisted calling the guards playing poker next door. Part of me wanted him to escape. I sensed the guards would not hear me call. I got the attention of a hot, black prostitute wearing red in the yard. She got the attention of the guards next door. They came and set me free. I was puzzled.

Steps:  (1) Reflect on details highlighted by your senses
            (2) Identify what content stands out
            (3) Notice the landscape, color and associated feelings

Interpretation: You are smarter than you think. The mind can seem like a mental prison. The very nature of ego is to instill guilt. This is bestowed on you as a child., the idea you are separate, unique and different. Your suffering depends on judging. You come to feel guilty for inclinations toward love, sexuality or anything you want that is natural. You are taught certain thoughts or behaviours are unacceptable in the external world.  Your nurtured action is to instill guilt (fear of not being loved) in children and other people.

This dream echoes you punish the self unnecessarily. Regardless of what you may have done or considered, it calls for unconditional love.  In truth, there is no such thing as guilt.  You only experience guilt because you think you are separate from what you want.  The fear of not being loved is unfounded.  You are love incarnate in a body that forgets its own being.

Notice your dream captors are gambling. The mind is leveraging some kind of wager.  Who are you playing against? Consider perceived adversaries. You may fear imagined consequences. Ask yourself to reflect on your understanding of 'risk.' Are your worried about losing identity, tarnishing reputation, changing values, principles or beliefs? You have risen to new levels of self-knowledge but do not yet feel comfortable with what you sense about your core urges and unexpected creative or other freedom.

Colors evoke intense emotions and certain ones stand out. Trust your intution about your own associations with color. Black is often viewed as negative, evil or a reflection of depression. Your conscious self urges you to eliminate dark thoughts. Red can represent things like love and passion, sexuality and life force. Reflect on the themes of resistance and surrender, where and to whom? You are the judge and jury.


10 things to be more conscious

Regardless of where you are, you have the capacity to raise consciousness to new heights. Consider these questions. Allow them to set the stage for your gradual evolution:

1) What is a meaningful thing you could achieve today?

2) How must you think to make this happen or manifest?

3) Which emotions are you permitting to control you?

4) What thoughts and feelings would be helpful to release?

5) Why is stepping outside your comfort zone helpful?

6) How are your night dreams conveying useful messages?

7) Who are accessible teachers that you attract right now?

8) How are they empowering you to answer inner queries?

9) Which steps are you taking to raise new levels of awareness?

10) How are you choosing to love yourself and serve others?


What do you learn from forever?

Human beings invent the concept of time for their own varied purposes. Nonetheless, certain ideas cannot be measured and do not fit into imagined categories. Some people ask why they struggle to fathom and measure the idea of forever. What can you learn from this? What are you learning already?

1) Everything has a universal purpose.  Coincidence, weirdos, non-conformists and anyone that seems to differ from you, does not.  In this sense, forever seems like the period required to grasp and accept everything is part of you.

2) Social roles have limited usefulness.  Humans would not exist and lessons would not be learned if everything unpleasant is eliminated.  Jobs one grows to old to perform remind how one actually outgrows social roles and related limited perspectives.  Business is an illusion reinforced by the idea that the goal becomes to stay in business at all cost. 

3) Life is enriched by self-service. Human beings have opportunities to stretch themselves, to give selflessly, to be as creative and uplifting as they permit. This is not arrogance, but ability to recognize inner talents and to acknowledge intrinsic self-worth. Who you are never falters or lets you down.

4) Dreaming is a soulful wake-up call. Dreaming at night opens the mind to realms of timelessness. In modern society, human beings are not encouraged to dream. Night dreams show perceived turmoil will always exist until you are willing to lay it aside. To relearn the feeling of a centred, loving being reminds you you already live more than one existence.


7 Tips to reverse unconsciousness

As you sense part of you is in the dark, another part of you is already in the light. That is to say only part of you is in a state of unconsciousness. Whenever you choose, you can take steps re-align.  Consider these 7 tips to reverse unconsciousness;

1) Value suffering. Perceived pain is teacher. You is not meant to wish discomfort is over so you can be happy only. Learning presence enables you to feel and gain valuable lessons in perceived grief, loss, sadness and confusion.

2) Open the mind. This does not require you believe in reincarnation. You do not need to die, have a near death experience (NDE) or be abducted by aliens. Regardless of your beliefs, you can recognize something exists other than what you consciously know. As you reach beyond yourself, details present.  You reach deeper awareness in spite of yourself.

3) Shift from intellectual to experiential. As you move from analyzing and seeking to explain to choosing to simply feel, you begin to absorb wisdom in forms other than thoughts and words. You begin to sense the truth does not require legitimacy or respect.  It is not personified.  It has no affiliation.  You move though incomprehensible wisdom, indescribable qualities and yet, reconnect with inner knowing.

4) Notice synchrony. Awareness changes. You sense meaning in events that affirms your progress. Symbols arise where you are to confirm you are on track. Books on particular subjects, billboard images, comments by passing strangers, and diverse physical examples of a subject on your mind.  People you have known for ages makes comments on subjects that attest to your own experience, yet they never mentioned their own related experiences before. You had to be ready.

5) Sense messages of immortality. A higher truth is filling your soul. You may experience glimpses of past lives, encounter higher beings, lose all vision of insecurity. You slowly realize you have nothing to fear.  You are passing through new phases of consciousness.

6) Realize behaviour belies apparent beliefs. To believe in a hereafter is often contradicted by behaviour in the physical world. That is, if only love is real, then why do you buy into other emotions and illusions?

7) Rediscover freedom.  This implies grasping the concept of karma and learning what is required to overcome it. Grace helps you align with your destiny.  Everything is aligning and you are more aware.