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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in freedom (102)


How to access your deepest inspiration?

You may refer to mentors as individuals who have done things you might wish you had done or, wish you could do.  There is another way to view people who inspire and motivate you.  After all, they are leading back to your deepest inspiration, that is, you! The better you feel, the more you know you are allowing energy to flow.  You are reminding yourself that you know your purpose.  Mentors guide you back to yourself. 

As you decide to raise your awareness, you zero in on the implications of your thoughts.  The energy vibration reflects how you feel about yourself where you are.  You are inspired to travel a certain distance in this lifetime.   I do not mean geographical distance as you would describe it.  Rather, I mean the distance between where you are in your mind and where you would experience better feeling thoughts.

Every person you encounter is a teacher.  Even beings you do not see are guiding, protecting and inspiring you in ways you do not yet register. You are constantly rediscovering and expanding on your own potential.  You learn from how other people think and act, whether what they do transforms their lives, and if so, how. 

Why is it you are drawn to certain people? Who stands out and what do they teach you about yourself?  It is not because you desire to become them or necessarily do what they do,  although this is what you convince yourself early in the piece.  You desire to have more faith in what the heart knows.  Good feelings are closest in vibration to perceived freedom.  Be aware of those and transform your life from inside out.  Be on your way. 

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." -Steve Jobs


Take several forms at one time

In a book called Seth Speaks, Jane Roberts channels what Seth explains as inherent characteristics of any consciousness.  That is to say, this book suggests any human being is capable of taking on many forms at one time.  Do you underestimate your potential?

For example, your physical body can lie on a bed while your consciousness journeys in a dream form to very different locations.  You can explore astral and lucid dream states.  You can devise thought forms of yourself which could materialize in another place without your conscious awareness.  Are you beginning to discern your hidden strength?

As you evolve to realize your consciousness isn't limited, you also begin to realize that you aren't limited in terms of the forms you can create and project at a given time. The better you get-to-know yourself, the more conscious you will become about what you are doing, what you have the potential to do, and what forms you can control into being.

What would you say if you were able to learn to travel through emotions rather than permit them to control you?  What would you say if you felt much more freedom to explore an experience in ways that used to seem unnatural or inconceivable? What would you do?

Imagine what it will feel like when you no longer wish to hide your emotions, when you no longer fear the truth.  Imagine how your life will change from the moment you know your feelings are discerned through senses you forgot you had.  Choices will make more sense.

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