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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in happiness (49)


8 Ways to experience more joy now

One of the most popular questions asked is what can a person do to experience more joy or happiness sooner? This query arises in the mind to suggest obstacles exist to happiness.  Consider the following ways to experience more joy now;

1) Be aware no word or anything you think you see has meaning except that which you give it

2) Recognize problems do not exist (The only problem is how you are using the mind or how it has been programmed) 

3)  Notice scarcity is just a thought (as are mental patterns that prevent you from seeing things as they are)

4) Realize perceived time is an illusion (everything you want is already here when you see through a pure heart rather than the conditioned mind)

5) Observe all that exists is the eternal now moment — and your experience of this moment is created by the programming in your head. (i.e. what you can have; who you can be, etc.)

6) Be aware feelings of security or insecurity arise due to emotional programming. (it can also be deprogrammed)

7) See happiness and joy are not obtainable from the external world. (This is your core state.)

8) Watch everything from a deep, calm place inside. (Here, thoughts and emotions no longer control you or hijack your attention. Insights are revealed so you flow with the river of life.)


3 Steps to greater happiness

Many people reach out for greater happiness or a deeper sense of fulfilment.  Infinite ways exist to get anywhere and be anything.  Its up to you. Conside these three steps to access:

1) Be aware of your thoughts.  You may underestimate the power of your thoughts.  Being aware is noticing what you think about and beginning to recognize you are not your thoughts.  In fact, they are simply passing ideas you choose to believe or not.  When you focus on something, you come to believe it.  Let thoughts arise and fall away and  they do not control how you feel. 

2) Let go of what you outgrow. You may notice aspects of your life no longer feel right or resonate. As you go through stages of evolution, you lose interest in certain people, places, activities, foods, jobs, behaviours. You may feel the unexplainable urge to cry, change or do something you have never done before. You may be going through a kind of shift in identity, a shift in how and where you live.  Being willing to let go of what you outgrow implies being open and receptive to your feelings and spontaneous impulses.  Listen more closely to the heart.

3) Be happy where you are. When you get right down to it, if you are unable to appreciate something in your life as it is, then you are not going to find happiness elsewhere. The common thread is you. How you feel where you are relates to what is conscious and unconscious.  Your understanding of 'happiness' can make you feel separate from what you want.  Watch what happens as you come to see beliefs as they are.  Allow yourself to feel what you are feeling. As you observe everything as a blessing, joy flows more freely.  Whatever obscures it falls away.


Recognize what you really want

Everything you do or do not do is an effort to recognize what you really want.  Finding this article is no accident.  Noticing particular situations or people in your life is no accident.  Growing more aware of what you think and feel is no accident.  In fact, there are no accidents.

Even now, you are noticing certain things about yourself and your life that feel completely new.  Awarenss is expanding.  Know you are always in the right place, in the right moment.  Watch what you resist letting go, what is disappearing from your life.  Be aware of what you are feeling.  Your feelings are the path to what is hidden right in front of you.  Everything that matters is ready for you to embrace it when you are.  Any pressure or stress you feel comes from you.


Be happy now

At the centre of your being, you are happy to be you.  You are glad to be the way you are at this moment and you are happy about what is arising.  You see the path to the answer you require.  You know who you are and you are exploring unique forms of self expression.  Every choice you make is pointing to what it is to live authentically.  As you reflect here, you are feeling better and better and begin to notice your healthy sheen.  Notice the nature of stepping stones in your life. Insight is speaking to and through you.  Notice what you see and what is expanding.  Everything is a teacher.

"We must never forget that it is through our actions, words and thoughts that we have a choice."-Sogyal Rinpoche


Return to innocence

Many people think they know the idea of happiness amd bliss.  Do not settle for being a master of the thought or concept of such things.  Refrain from labelling what is felt and who felt it. The knower and the knowing are not separate. You need not label things, control and grasp them.  Where do you find the peace that passeth all understanding?

Notice that a child is not born speaking language.  Could this be the secret to innocence, compassion and perfect, unconditional and supreme love? Be without speech.  See what happens. Notice what happens what happens when there is the absence of anyone doing anything. Immaculate conception is not to think concepts into anything. You are unborn.

Let go of tension.  Let go of the illusory love that is defined and recognized by the mind.  Return to Source.  Imagine you have no body, no thought or life as the mind has you believe. There is actually nothing to do.  Focus attention on the silence that is wisdom and pure love.