Why Intuition is the key

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
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Cosmic Synchronicity
The spiritual nature of energy empowers you to create mental obstacles. You frame everything in psychological time as a wake up call. This reminds you what you are, invites you to purge patterns, to ignite the passionate soul-level dynamics, strengthen inner self, and to access your own inner secrets.
The entire structure of consciousness and perception of possibility is expanding. As you realize the impact of perceived time on your life, you are invited to dissolve much of you have been taught. You can do so actively or passively, release reason and move ahead in a cloak of love or fear.
What if the courageous way to experience everything is from the perspective of a spiritual being? How do you respond?
Consider the basic structure of reality is an atom. An electron microscope reveals an atom is 94.6% empty space. Thus, it is not surprising human beings now measure quantifiable mass in unseen dimensions than are not perceived by physical eyes. Soul consciousness or unseen light force moves outside the body. When do you feel it? How do you sense a harmonic convergence? You shift perception as you awaken and allow.
What would it mean to you to realize you have the capacity to teleport, to be dematerialized and materialized somewhere else? Sound and light are electrical impulses and lightwaves. You are a light being that can shapeshift. You are encouraged to sift through the truth and illusion you sense inside.
Whether or not you realize, you are a powerful, spiritual being in the midst of complete transformation. You may not grasp the ongoing cellular DNA shifts but you do sense conscious changes. Lemeurian consciousness and crystal energy touches you even if you do not know how or why. Accept the mythical.
As an energy being, you experience multiple dimensions now. You do so using technology, through interfaces like cell phones, dvds, internet and interfacing with light and sound waves. This is not related to intellect. You connect with different time zones, geographical places and far more. Energy exchanges are constant. You do not have to explain it to feel it. As you physically do things, you reconnect to your heart centre. Time shares it secrets as you listen to your true self.
Time is compressing and reality is expanding. What does this mean? It is already happening. You choose to be alive right now to display your individual power and presence. You have the ability to make a difference in the lives of others. Do it.